The Activation of the 8th Gate of the 11:11
February 11, 2007

Awakening the Lotus Heart - Entering the Lotus World


Master Cylinder
Mallorca, Spain


The beautiful island of Mallorca, Spain will be the site of our 8th Gate Master Cylinder. The Master Cylinder is always the key point of an 11:11 Activation. This is where the new 11:11 energies first enter the planet. Having a strong and committed 8th Gate Master Cylinder group is vitally important since we are bringing in the newest levels of LOVE and firmly anchoring our new foundation of the Lotus Heart.

The Activation of the 8th Gate is monumental, the most important 11:11 Activation since the first one in 1992. It signifies the completion of our journey through the Diamond of the Unseen, revealing a whole new cosmology of our journey into Oneness. The pathways of the New open up into the vast uncharted realms of the deeper Invisible, including the exquisite Lotus World. We are now totally moving off the map of the known and everything is changing on a core cellular level. Nothing will ever be the same again!

The 8th Gate is so huge and vitally important that only those who are truly called to participate in the Master Cylinder should do so, for we cannot anchor and build on the New Foundations with anything less than our full beings. It's going to be ultra real and powerful with more LOVE than we ever thought possible. At times, it will be quite intense, with energies off the map of the known. It also will be much fun to fully inhabit our true core selves and play with other kindred beings on accelerated levels of vastness. The 8th Gate Master Cylinder will be deeply fulfilling in ways far beyond what we can presently imagine.

Participating in an 11:11 Master Cylinder is the experience of a lifetime. There is absolutely nothing like it. It is working on a core essence level with the deepest energies presently accessible to clear the path into the Unknown. People will be coming from all over the world and we will meet many life-long friends at the Master Cylinder. However, this time it will be taken to a whole new level for we will be meeting some of the key people for our new lives and some of us might even be blessed with reconnecting with our One True Loves.

This is going to be a strong group of dedicated people. We will be stepping into our appointed positions to create the new foundation of our Future NOW. We will be strengthening and expanding the central core of our One Being. The Wheel of Destiny is turning, calling us into our rightful new directions with the right new people entering our lives. The time has finally arrived.

Participating in the 8th Gate Master Cylinder is a rare opportunity to work directly with Solara on the deepest levels of birthing the New. Sceptres of responsibility and knowledge that Solara has long carried will now be directly passed onto our One Being as she lets them go to move to her next level. Our Workshop Facilitators Sebastian and Ankasha, as well as Annu, Elén and Alix, will also be directly involved in what promises to be a powerful immersion into the Lotus World. And once again, Omashar will be sharing his heartfelt music and loving presence.

We will have seven full days of preparation before the 8th Gate Activation, one more than usual, because this is such an important Gate. Our week of preparations will begin on the morning of February 4th. During this time, our focus will be on merging together into an invincible One Being and awakening our Lotus Hearts so we can fully enter the Lotus World. There is no set schedule, even for the 8th Gate Activation itself, as everything is based on surfing the energies present.

During this time, we will be learning the 11:11 Sacred Dances so that we can perform them at the Activation Ceremony in the heightened context for which they were created. This is infinitely different from doing them in a workshop. The Sacred Dances are profoundly transformative on deep cellular levels and simply beyond description. Some of the Sacred Dances will be moving to new levels and new ones could well be born.

The 8th Gate Master Cylinder is vitally important in birthing the New Matrix of Truest Love and Partnership. Its effects will be far reaching. Some truly magnificent people will be there. If you are called to come, please don't let anything stop you.

8th Gate Master Cylinder Update: December 21, 2006
8th Gate Master Cylinder Registration Details
The 8th Gate Registration Form Download a Word document
8th Gate Master Cylinder Questions



The Master Cylinder experience is not for everyone. Everything is on a very heightened level with occasional bursts of extreme intensity. It is on a core level of being ultra REAL and TRUE that is rarely experienced. Everything less than that can be magnified until it is stripped away. There is also an immeasuribly deep immersion into profound levels of LOVE that we have not previously accessed. Because of this, the experience is not appropriate for everyone. Please be honest with yourself, and if this feels like too much, you can still participate in an Anchor Group and play an important part in activating 8th Gate.


If you can't handle an abundance of love.
If you have a mental, physical or emotional condition that cannot deal with intensity.
If you think you are going to a party.
If you have a hidden agenda.
If you are currently using drugs.


With a wide open heart.
With your full commitment.
If you are ready for a profound life changing experience.

If your entire being is crying out for a quantum breakthrough.
If you are ready to step into your greatness.
If you are willing to serve the One with your full being.
If you are called to birth the New.
If you are ready to move onto a totally new level.
If you want to be infused with Love beyond your Wildest Dreams.
If you are called to be at the forefront of the newest, purest, truest energies coming into the planet.



If you wish to become an 11:11 One Being Rising Workshop Facilitator and a teacher of the Sacred Dances, you must come to the 8th Gate Master Cylinder. This is also true for all pre-existing Workshop Facilitators in order to maintain your standing as a Facilitator. This is because the 11:11 Master Cylinders are at the forefront of the new energies. As we enter the Lotus World, everything is recalibrating to an entirely new level.

Please note that the 11:11 Facilitator Training Master Class is by invitation only. The next Master Class will be held some time in the first half of 2007. Being part of the Master Cylinder is not a guarantee of being invited to the Facilitator Training Class, but is a prerequisite for those who feel called to do this.

Possible participants for the next 11:11 Workshop Facilitators Master Class will be selected at the 8th Gate Master Cylinder in Mallorca. If you feel called to become a Facilitator, please inform us on your registration form and also during the Master Cylinder Preparations.

Additional meetings for potential and present Workshop Facilitators will be held for this purpose during our time in Mallorca.


MASTER CYLINDER ARRIVAL: Saturday February 3, 2007


8TH GATE ACTIVATION: Sunday February 11th.





There are always some worthy beings who are deeply called to participate in a Master Cylinder who don't have the funds to attend. So we are setting up an 8th Gate Scholarship Fund to help them get there. Any and all donations are gratefully accepted.


Welcoming you to Mallorca with a wide open heart....