The Sacred Spiral Dance by Etherium
Music for the The
Sacred Spiral Dance:
Now available for
33 minutes
View an
animation of the The Sacred Spiral Dance
The Sacred Spiral Dance is the map
of our journey into One True Love. During this Dance, we move in two
spirals towards a central point. Together we form the symbol of the
One Heart. Our partner in the spiral opposite us represents our Lover from Beyond the Stars. When we meet our partner in the
center, we reunite as One True Loves and the two become ONE. Then, as our newly formed One Being moves out
of the center into the Spaces-In-Between the two incoming spirals, we
enter the passageway to PURE HEART TRUE LOVE. At the end of the Dance, we
all join together in one large circle as One Being embodying PURE HEART TRUE LOVE.
When we reach a certain level of mastery in
the Sacred Spiral Dance, there is a sparkling
iridescence in the air and we are able to perceive each of the two spirals as triple overlays.
This is the sign that we have totally entered the Spaces-In-Between (the Ultra Greater Reality).

a partner who represents your Lover from Beyond the Stars. Now form one
long double line of all the partners facing the same direction.
now have two long, single lines. Everyone's hands are in the PURE HEART LOVE position. The leading couple begins slowly walking
in a clockwise direction, lifting each knee to hip height, placing each
foot softly on the floor in a diagonal position pointing outwards and gently sliding into position. This
walk is done in unison with a gently flowing motion from side to side.
Each dancer tries to place their feet in the exact spaces previously
occupied by the dancer in front of them, further strengthening our One
across the room / space, the first dancer of the outer line of dancers
will stop and face inwards with the rest of his line doing the same.
Their partners in the inside line continue on with the slow, flowing step until the first
dancer reaches the point exactly opposite their partner. The inside line
then stops and faces inwards. The two single lines will form two elongated
spirals beginning on the right of the first couple.
the partners in the opposite spirals align with each other, they slowly
open into the One Heart where they remain for the rest of the Dance.
From this point onwards until we reach the outer circle of PURE HEART TRUE LOVE, we will only look at our partner.

As the music
starts to play, the first couple begins the dance by moving in a clockwise
direction, always remaining totally focused on their partner. The actual
step is one of raising the left leg with bended knee and moving it to the left with a smooth
dipping motion. Then bringing the right foot in towards the left. This
is followed by a pause of random length which is determined by the lead
couple of this dance.
one of the purposes of this Dance is to take us into the Spaces-In-Between,
(the Ultra Greater Reality), our steps will not necessarily follow the beats
of the music. This necessitates that each spiral aligns as One Being. We
need to feel as though there is an invisible membrane connecting us to
the dancers on both sides of us. If we do this, we will automatically take
a step to the left each time the person on our left moves. It's important
to not let gaps form in the spirals, which will happen if we let the dancers
on either side of us get too far ahead or behind.
two lines of dancers slowly spiral into the center. Don't be in a hurry
to reach the center. Be careful to leave sufficent space between
the incoming spirals to create the Spaces-In-Between.
the first couple reaches the center of the spiral, they lightly touch fingertips.
Then, remaining together at the fingertips, the two reunite as One True Loves and become One Being,
reversing their direction, they spiral outwards in a counterclockwise manner within
the Spaces-In-Between the ingoing spirals of dancers. Because the couples
spiraling outwards are facing each other, one person will continue stepping
to the left, while their partner from the other spiral will now be stepping
to the right.
As each
couple enters the centerpoint, they touch fingertips, becoming One Being
and follow the first couple spiralling outwards counterclockwise in the
Spaces-In-Between. This outwards spiralling continues until you have reached
the outside of the two ingoing spirals.
As the
first couple arrives at the outside of the dance, they form the beginning
of a new outer circle by linking little fingers of one hand and facing
inwards while continuing the sideways dance step in a counterclockwise
fashion, keeping their arms upraised at the sides with palms forward. They
are thus forming the circle of PURE HEART TRUE LOVE.
couple who arrives at the outside of the dance, joins with the outer circle
by linking themselves together with their little fingers. Once you are
in the circle of PURE HEART TRUE LOVE, you can now look at everyone in the
outer circle, experiencing everyone as your One True Love.
continues until everyone is in the outer circle. The last couple closes
and completes the circle by linking little fingers with the first person
in the outer circle. When this happens, often we will stop dancing and raise our arms upwards for a minute or so, before continuing on with the dance.
the Sacred Spiral Dance moves to a new level of sublime ecstasy as you
continue dancing counterclockwise as one synchronized, organic whole.

this point until the end of the tape of music, you can create your own
variations to the Sacred Spiral Dance. One movement is to gently dance into the core
of the Lotus Heart and slowly dance out again still joined by our little
fingers. You can also stop dancing and stand quietly with arms upraised
& fingers joined. (This serves as a powerful anchoring of PURE HEART TRUE LOVE.)
It's important
that you maintain the subtle focus of this dance by keeping it slow and
quiet. There's often so much energy that it's easy to get rowdy at this
point and disperse all the energy. But if you keep it deep and subtle,
you will be triggered into sublime ecstasy.
If it feels
appropriate, you can drop hands and move into free form, ecstatic dancing,
feeling your entire being now fully anchored in the Spaces-In-Between.
All material copyrighted
1991 -2010 by Solara. All rights reserved.
