The Sleeping Giant of our ONE BEING is waking up. It is truly the time for us to come together as One as never before. Together, there is much we can achieve. It has never been more important as it is during these Times of Completion when we are making the transition from duality to Oneness.

In May 2004, the 6th Gate Activation turned the Doorway of the 11:11 inside out. The new 11:11 Vision is being revealed. And a powerful one it is....

Up until the 6th Gate Activation, the 11:11 Doorway was under the resonance of the number 11. Eleven is the Master Number which represents ANCHORING THE NEW. And indeed, this is what so many of us have been doing for a very long time. We've been inserting the New, which is Oneness, into the calcified density of duality.

This process has impacted us on every possible level, affecting everything from the planetary logos (planetary being) to our most intimate, personal core selves. It has often been an arduous task, full of extreme challenges. Yet we have persevered, knowing that the time of duality's reign is almost over and that Oneness must be fully anchored. Knowing that our very survival may well depend on this.

The Greater Reality is where Oneness resides and increasingly, the Greater Reality has been inserted into our old duality-based reality system. Until finally, we have created a Zone of Overlap where Oneness and duality coexist as parallel realities. This Zone of Overlap has continued to thicken and expand until it now contains the past and future interwoven into the present.

Now we have arrived at a critical junction, a Major Intersection where we must choose which road we are going to take from here forward. If we wish to go deeper into the Greater Reality, into Oneness, then we must move our beings onto a totally new level.

This new level is the ONE BEING. Simply put, our ONE BEING is One Living, Organic Being --- US AS ONE. Everything is part of the One; that we know. And yet, there is still much misunderstanding as to just what it means to be part of ONE BEING.

Right now, it's all about consciously choosing to stand in our ONE BEING. To see each of us as rays of the Star of One. We are all of the One. I am Solara of the One. You are _____ of the One.

Once we truly identify ourselves as Being "of the One", a profound shift takes place deep within us. We can feel and see our intrinsic interwoveness with everything. Our compassion is unleashed and our perceptions expand. Veils dissolve....

We realize that we are not just isolated individuals struggling to get by. We no longer serve the planet by just "doing our own thing". Suddenly, we can feel the immensely powerful support system of our vast ONE BEING which is always with us. Interwoven together, we support each other; we care for each other. Like the motto of the Three Musketeers, "All for One, and One for All." We are no longer alone. We are no longer impotent and helpless. We are no longer separate.

As increasing numbers of us awaken to our inherent Oneness, our ONE BEING quickens and comes alive. The Sleeping Giant awakens.... Our ONE BEING is the key to our future evolution. It is the key to the survival of the planet. And it is strong enough to dissolve the illusion of duality once and for all.

The Sleeping Giant shakes off its slumber and begins to rise.....

How far the Sleeping Giant of our ONE BEING goes depends on each of us. Will it just be a few of us or will it be many? Will the Sleeping Giant take just a few tentative steps or will it stride across the universe with confidence and compassion -- righting imbalances, healing all the broken hearts, dissolving separation and replacing it with Oneness? Will you be a conscious part of it?

I know that there are many of us all over the planet who are doing their utmost to help make this shift and have been doing so for years with dedication and courage. Your presence is deeply felt and appreciated. And even though most of us haven't met each other in the physical, we know that we are working together. But sometimes I wonder if this is enough? Perhaps the greatness of this time calls for us to make yet another step, to come together on a scale previously unimaginable! To stand together proudly as ONE BEING. To consciously align ourselves as ONE. To show the world our magnificent ONE BEING IN ACTION.....

Let's bring the Sleeping Giant of our One Being fully awake! Together as ONE we can do the impossible. Let's make our presence felt throughout all the worlds within worlds! Let's truly manifest our greatness.......

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