11:11 Videos
Available for free viewing

11:11 First Gate Activation in Egypt (1992)
Opening the 11:11 Doorway at the Great Pyramids.
Features music from Etherium and Elariul,
and full length Starry Processional Dance at the Activation Site.

Video on The First Gate Master Cylinder

11:11 Second Gate Activation in Ecuador (1993)
Our profound Second Gate Ceremony in the high Andes.
Features songs from Matisha, Omashar, Ramariel,
Etherium & Tzaris, plus Solara on the Lovers from Beyond the Stars.

Video on The Second Gate Master Cylinder

Opening the Lotus Heart into PURE HEART LOVE
Video on How to Open the Lotus Heart

The 11:11 Mudras
Video of the 11:11 Mudras
Includes now the Mudras for 9th and 10 Gate of the 11:11

Video of the Xuá !

The Silent Watchers
Video of The Silent Watchers

Video of the Pa'a

Star-Borne Videos

The Star-Borne Videos are currently unavailable.
Since our video masters are lost and our duplicator has gone out of business,
we are looking for copies of:

Angel Fire: A Star-Borne Reunion
Entering the New Octave

11:11 Second Gate Activation in Ecuador (1993)
Our profound Second Gate Ceremony in the high Andes.
Features songs from Matisha, Omashar, I*An, Ramariel,
Etherium & Tzaris plus Solara on the Lovers from Beyond the Stars.

Osiris & the Template of True Love
The ongoing story of Isis & Osiris serves as the Template to anchor True Love.

Angel Fire: A Star-Borne Reunion
The Starry Family share their experiences
of the 11:11 Activations around the world.

11:11 Master Cylinder: Egypt (1992)
The stunningly powerful 11:11 Activation at the Great Pyramids
follows a week of preparations in Giza.

Cosmology of the Beyond (1991)
Solara explains the unexplainable.

Solara in Egypt
Highlights of Solara's talks & meditations in Egypt.

Entering the New Octave (1991)
An introduction to the work of Star-Borne with Solara.