The gigantic waves of the tumultuous fast-paced months of July and August have created tremendous change and upheaval. Many old situations have been swept out of our lives and new ones are starting to appear. Suddenly, we look around and see the depth of the changes which have taken place.
Right now,
we are not all experiencing the same thing at the same time. We are
spread out at various stages of the same process--- the journey from
Here to There, from the known into the Unknown, from the unreal to the
real. There are several reasons for this. One is that we are not all
in the same position on our evolutionary timetable. At this point, we
are strung out along the Doorway of the 11:11 between Gates 1 - 5, being
immersed in various degrees of the Greater Reality or we may still be
enjoying / suffering through our experiences in the illusory boxes of
Think of
wildflowers in a field... They don't all bloom at the same time or with
the same shaped blossoms and color. If they did, it would be quite boring
and we would only have the beauty of flowers for a short period during
the year.
we are stretched out along the evolutionary spiral, we are all part
of One Being. And please remember that if the spiral turns for one of
us, it turns for all. If something good happens to one of us, it happens
to our One Being. If one of us has a breakthrough or falls in love,
then it opens the door for this to happen to all of us. So instead of
experiencing envy or jealousy, let's celebrate all good fortune.
Some of us feel that we have been pulled out to sea by a major tsunami and in one somewhat wrenching, spiralling motion, been deposited on the shore of a new land. We may feel a bit dazed by the suddenness and intensity of the transition and still need some time to get grounded in our new reality. Yet, even though we don't yet know exactly where we are or why we are here, it feels very right.
Others of us have become unmoored and are just now floating out to sea,
waiting to catch the big wave which will propel us into our yet unknown
new directions. We feel surprisingly detached from the old elements
of our lives and don't try to grab onto them as they slip away. We can
feel the waves starting to rise....
There are also those of us who are just beginning to become untethered
from our old lives. Still trying to do things in the usual ways, but
continuously discovering that it just doesn't work any more. And that
many of our old situations, dreams, beliefs and friendships have become
increasingly empty and unfulfilling.
And some of us are feeling extremely frustrated that our lives haven't
changed enough or that we are stuck in the same old patterns. For
those of us who are feeling frustrated or stuck on any level, it's important
to look at the places where we are not being true to ourselves, the
places where we are still compromising our integrity. Then instead of
blaming our situation on anything outside of ourselves, we must take
full responsibility and start being true to ourselves. Start being very
is a good month to take a fresh look at all the elements in our lives
and in our inner beings and to make some very necessary changes. To
take charge of our lives and start moving towards creating the kind
of lives we really want.
that "To change the outside world, we must first change ourselves."
"To change our outer lives, we must
first change our inner world."
The good news is that the energies of September are extremely condusive to deep soul searching. The huge waves of July and August have added new layers of depth to the Surf. September's Surf is full of very intricate wave patterns. We will still be impossibly busy, but now we must also take the time to look deeply at our Selves.
September is the month for us to leap into the water and dive deep. Our focus is no longer solely on the shifting & realigning outer elements of our lives; rather, it is now focused on getting back in touch with our Core Essence.
We need to go on a journey into the watery depths--- going deeper than ever before--- and find and realign ourselves with our Core Essence.
As we dive
deeper and deeper, we are going to discover a part of ourself which
wasn't there before. This is the shimmering Pearl of Our Being. This
Pearl wasn't there before for it has taken years to grow. It has been
formed by our very frustration and irritation and by the crushing pressure
of our challenges. It has been tempered in the Fires of Initiation.
It has been washed with our tears. It has been polished by our ever
expanding love and sense of Oneness.
Each of
has a shimmering Pearl growing inside us right now. To find it, we need
to strip back the layers, peel off the unnecessary, find what is real
for us, live our truth, speak honestly, act with integrity, love with
a wide open heart, and just keep peeling things that are no longer aligned
with us away. The deeper we go, the freer we will feel.
When you
get near to your Pearl, you will feel it. When you get your first glimpse
of it, you will be filled with joy. It will feel like finding a hidden
treasure within you, only this hidden treasure is you! Once you
hold it in your hand, you will realize that you are the Pearl; it's
larger than your whole being. It's the new you who can now step into
your New Life.
With the
Activation of the 5th Gate of the 11:11 coming up in October, the energies
are all lined up to help us discover our Pearls and to become them.
It's necessary that we take the time and do this.
Solara 2002
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