The Master Cylinder
is always the key point for an 11:11 Activation. This is the place where
the energies of the 11:11 Gate which is being activated first enters
the planet.
The creation of a Master
Cylinder begins with finding the general area of the Gate Activation.
Sometimes, this is obvious and unquestionable; other times, it requires
a search until the right area is found. Once, the country or area is
located which feels right for the energies of the particular 11:11 Gate,
then I take a trip there to make the arrangements.
This includes locating
a hotel or hotels which have conference rooms large enough for us to
practice our Sacred Dances. Then, there is the negotiation for special
group rates and meal plans. Often, this takes quite a lot of effort,
haggling over such minute details as the inclusion of juice or fruit
in our continental breakfasts. Then, contracts must be signed and deposits
I also travel around
the area to become familiar with it and look for special activities
which are fun, deep and help us learn something about the culture of
the area. All of these activities must be organized, including transportation
and meals.
Then, there's the important
matter of the right place for the Activation itself. Sometimes, this
is found right away and other times, it miraculously appears almost
at the last minute. When the right location is found, it always feels
absolutely right. Even when we find it, there is still the matter of
getting permission to use the land. During the First Gate Activation
in Egypt, I found the proper location in November, but did not receive
official permission until the day before the Activation in January.
It was somewhat unsettling to say the least, but it felt so right that
it was inconceivable that we would not be there.
Even after we find the
right location, arrangements must be made for a sound system, generator,
transportation and meals. The day before the Second Gate Activation
in Ecuador, we actually had to go out and buy a $1000 generator so we
could have sound & music for our ceremony.
Then, there's the huge
matter of putting together the costs and coming up with Master Cylinder
packages. When this is accomplished, there are always those who want
to attend, but not stay at our hotel to save on their expenses. The
problem with this, is that the hotel gives us the use of their conference
room because we are renting a certain number of rooms. If we don't rent
our allotment of rooms, then a conference room fee is added which comes
out of my pocket. Since, I make little money, if any, from the 11:11
Activations, this just isn't feasible.
Some people ask why
we can't have the entire event out on the land somewhere and camp out
for a week? This would certainly alleviate a portion of the costs of
attending the Activation. It would be great to be out in nature if we
had some sort of retreat center to shelter us from the elements. The
energies that we are working with are so real, powerful, subtle and
more, that what's needed is the most neutral of environments where our
basic needs are taken care of with the minimum of fuss, which is something
that many hotels offer. Hot showers, a comfortable place to sleep, something
easy. There is also the matter of the Sacred Dances which are much easier
to teach indoors, although they are much more magnificent to perform
outside. Anyway, I am open to changes in the future, and hope that a
group of people comes forth from the 5th Gate Master Cylinder to share
the organization of future activations with me.
Next, there's the information
which has to be written and formatted for the website on the Activation,
the Master Cylinder and the 11:11 Anchor Groups, and usually, we send
mailings to previous participants. Once people start registering, there's
all the work of organizing the various arrival and departure times,
airport shuttles, roommates, etc. Then, there are the payments to the
hotels and activities which must be paid in full long before people
Usually, I have a few
people helping me with all this, but this time I don't. So, some steps
will be left out and others will happen as I find time to do them. I
do this out of love and my commitment to the 11:11.
Whenever we have an
11:11 Gate Activation, there are people who wish to come for the Activation
itself, but not for the week of preparation beforehand. We have tried
this at some of the previous Gates, and it simply doesn't work. The
creation of an 11:11 Master Cylinder requires focused intent from all
the participants. We need to become comfortable with each other and
bond together into One Being. It is our One Being which becomes the
Master Cylinder, not us as separate individuals. It is a time to let
go of our separate agendas and concentrate on the task at hand.
There are always times
during an 11:11 Activation when we go off the map of the known or the
rehearsed into the unexplored realms of the Unknown. This is when our
ceremony becomes very real and very sacred. And these are the precious
moments when our training together for the previous week really pays
off and when our magnificent One Being comes fully alive. This is when
we are powerfully immersed into the energies of the Greater Reality
which propel us to new levels of awareness. When this happens, it is
awesome and unforgettable. It is life changing and it is what these
activations are all about.
In order for an 11:11
Gate to be activated, we need a strong Master Cylinder. It is essential;
without a Master Cylinder, there would be no activation. We need a minimum
of 65 people who are willing to serve in this task with their full beings.
It's not a lot of people, but it's fascinating to observe how an 11:11
Gate Activation will always bring up fears and excuses to not be there.
Many people are drawn to participate, then the fears and issues start
stirring. Then is exactly when we need to recognize what's happening
and move beyond them by renewing our commitment to make this Activation
of Personal Freedom happen.
It has never ceased
to amaze me that there aren't thousands of people lined up to participate
in these powerful events. But that's just how it is. I'm not willing
or able to go out and publicize them. All I can do is trust that the
resonance of the 5th Gate itself will call to those who are meant to
be here. And that the people will come!
are the locations of the previous Master Cylinders:
Gate Master Cylinder 1992:
Alpha Point: Queenstown, New Zealand
Omega Point: Great Pyramids, Giza, Egypt
Second Gate Master
Cylinder 1993:
Pululahua Crater, Ecuador
Third Gate Master
Cylinders 1997:
near Bled, Slovenia
near Eureka, Montana
Glasshouse Mountains, Australia
Fourth Gate Master
Cylinder 1999:
Tetiaroa, Tahiti, French Polynesia
Fifth Gate
Big Island, Hawai'i
Master Cylinder Update:
All material copyrighted 1989 - 2009 by Solara. All rights reserved.