It's taken me a long time to find the words to describe what happened
at the 6th Gate Activation. This key Midway Point of the Doorway of
the 11:11 has turned everything inside out. The new vision of the
11:11 is being revealed. The 11:11 Doorway has shifted from an 11
resonance to a 22. The ramifications of this are vast and far reaching....

My personal journey to
the 6th Gate started almost immediately after the 5th Gate Activation
in October 2002. Several of us had gotten the feeling that the next
Activation was to be in County Kerry, Ireland. At the time, I felt
that 6th Gate would be the following year. In March 2003, Kalasara
and I traveled to Ireland, England and Wales to find the place for
6th Gate. In Ireland, we were led to the Dingle Peninsula where we
found an immensely mystical island which strongly beckoned to us.
We couldn't actually go there at that time of year, but we could see
the Sacred Dances already being performed.
Our journey also took
us to the Hill of Tara and then onwards to Wales and Stonehenge. It
was when we felt great kinship with the owners of a retreat centre
in Wales that we decided to move the 6th Gate to Wales. This decision
wasn't taken lightly since we were torn between the Dingle Peninsula
and the ancient mountains of Wales. We even tried to come up with
some way that we could travel between the two points during our week
of preparations, but couldn't work it out.
As soon as we returned
home to our respective islands in Hawaii, I was told that I would
have to move out of my rental house in a few months, right around
the time of our proposed 6th Gate Activation. I pondered just what
this meant and tried to figure out a way to move and still be able
to do the immense amount of work required by an Activation. Finally,
for the first time ever, I cancelled the 6th Gate Activation and moved
it to the following year, 2004. This required a bit of courage on
my part since several people had already registered and a few had
booked their airline tickets.
Yet, I soon realized the
perfection of this and how my very personal need to move was actually
part of the rerouting process to bring 6th Gate into its correct timing.
Always, I am impressed with how the 11:11 calls the shots about when
and where its Activations want to be and manipulates my outer circumstances
until I get it right.
Once we entered the Great
Green Light Year of 2004, it was obvious why 6th Gate had been rescheduled.
This was definitely the correct timing and none of us would have been
ready the previous year for the leap onto the new level of One Beingness
which 6th Gate is all about. And if we hadn't been there in our own
awareness, then the 11:11 Doorway would never have been able to turn
itself inside out, which it definitely did!
As the 6th Gate Activation
drew closer, my workload increased to almost impossible levels. I
remember asking at 5th Gate for help with my work and even though
some offers of assistance were forthcoming, there was nothing tangible
and real. So here I was again, working for up to 20 hours a day, with
the feeling that I was personally carrying the 11:11 and wondering
why that was so. I knew that this wasn't the way it was meant to be
and looked long and deep at how to change this pattern. I even considered
dropping the 11:11 Activations, but knew that it was my chosen destiny
and could not if I wanted to be true to myself.
In May, Elara and I arrived
in Dingle a week early to make all the last minute preparations. Once
we arrived, I immediately got a major tooth infection. Found a wonderful
lady dentist who put me on strong antibiotics and said that the tooth
would definitely have to go in the middle of the following week.
We also visited our mystical
island which was even more exquisite than we could imagine, but also
got a strong feeling that since it was so pristine and protected,
we might not be able to do the physical Activation there. This necessitated
finding an alternate site at the last minute which we did. Actually,
Omashar and Elara found the hidden field perched on the edge of a
cliff and knew that it was right.
Our next task was to find
the owner and get permission so Omashar took me to the new site. As
we were leaving the field, we saw that an irate farmer was waiting
with a herd of huge cows at the gate that we had inadvertently blocked
with our rental car. Omashar ran to move the car. I was too far away
to run and suddenly the whole herd was heading right towards me. I
kept close to the rock wall just in case I would have to leap over
As I finally reached the
Gate, I met the woman who was the owner of the fields, a very nice
Irish lady. After a friendly chat, I explained what we wanted to do
and asked for her permission to use her field and the permission was
graciously given.
All week long, there were
early arrivals. It was so much fun to have our One Being constantly
expanding. One thing about the 11:11 Master Cylinders is that they
exist in No-Time. This means that they are continuously going on...
They are timeless and without end. So we are still dancing at the
Great Pyramids in Egypt and still dancing in the Glasshouse Mountains
of Australia and in Pululahua Crater in Ecuador. Seeing the others
that we haven't seen for years or sometimes never before, felt like
we'd always been in constant contact. There was no sense of separation,
although with some people there was amazement and appreciation at
how open and free they had become.
On our first morning,
during the session of introductions, it was immediately apparent that
we had a very strong and advanced Master Cylinder Group. 54 magnificent
people had come from 22 countries! I was deeply touched by this because
I know well that the journey to a Master Cylinder is not always an
easy one. It takes tremendous courage and commitment, not to mention
the financial outlay.
By the middle of our afternoon
session on our first day, I realized that we had already traveled
very far and it would be difficult for anyone arriving late to catch
up. We've never gone so fast before, but then this was a pretty impressive
group of people.
The week passed by somewhat
in a blur. We practiced the Sacred Dances, we merged deeper and deeper
into One Being. If you look at our 6th
Gate Photos, you will see our merger into One Being in many of
the photos. There's a natural leaning into one another, a blending
of our energies that is truly remarkable. And once our One Being came
alive, it brought everything we did to a totally new level.
In the midst of it all,
I had my tooth removed. I actually missed two sessions which hadn't
happened before. Being sick kept me quieter than usual. I usually
like to spend my nights socializing with everyone, but this time,
I went straight to my room after the evening sessions. Around 5:00
am each morning I would get on the internet and update the Anchor
Lists and try to answer emails and write Surf Updates.
For many months, I had
known that I wanted to do something special at this Master Cylinder
to activate our One Being in all the countries of the world. Someone
had even compiled a list of all the countries for me which were now
made into small signs, one for each country. We even included some
unofficial countries, which should be countries or which are countries
energetically such as: Tahiti, Tibet, Palestine, Kashmir and
several others. I didn't know when or what we would do, but just had
the country signs handy at all times in case the right timing arrived.
Which it did the day before the Activation Ceremony, just as we had
completed our morning session and were about to go to lunch.
It began innocently enough
as we put our huge Anchor Group World Map in the middle of the floor
and walked around it, honoring all the Anchor Groups. Suddenly, the
moment for activating our One Being in all the countries was here!
I grabbed the stack of signs and it began. The next hour and a half
or so was extremely powerful. We called out the name of each country
in as many languages as possible. We called to our One Being there
to activate. Everyone kept their focus; I didn't see anyone wandering
off to lunch. This was the moment when many of us felt that the 6th
Gate Activation officially began...
6th Gate Master Cylinder continued:
All material copyrighted 1989 - 2009 by Solara. All rights reserved.