Seventh Gate Master Cylinder Photos Part 2
Our Master Cylinder begins at the Udai Kothi in Udaipur.

Deep gratitude to the following photographers:
Alix, Aljai, Arbaline, Bekoim, E*An*Na, Kalasara, Karon, Kathleen, Omashar, Orianranah,
Sebastian, Sinan, Solara, Walt, Yolanda.

The front entrance of the exquisite Udai Kothi where we will stay for ten days.

A closeup of Ganesha over the front door which is all inlaid with mirrors and colored glass in classic Rajasthani style.

Elenra from Scotland and Yolanda from Mexico merge into One Being by the front door.

A side view of our hotel from the garden. The restaurant is on the upper right rooftop.

The morning view from the rooftop restaurant.

As the week progressed, the energies grew noticeably stronger.
This is an unretouched photo taken by Alix one night.

The Marks from Australia cool off in the rooftop swimming pool.

The rooftop gazebo is one of our favorite gathering places.
Here are E*An*Na, Elenra and An Nu Tuk.

Inside the gazebo dome is a dazzling mandala of mirrors!

Omashar enjoys a quiet dinner of delicious Indian food.

Another view from the Udai Kothi rooftop restaurant showing Jagmandir Island in the distance.

The 7th Gate Master Cylinder Photos: Part 3
We enter the Invisible in a garden tent.

The 7th Gate Ndex: