Seventh Gate Master Cylinder Photos: 9
Making friends and shopping in Udaipur

Our interactions with the Indian people was part of activating our One Being.
Their response to us and what we were doing was positive and full of love.

Deep gratitude to the following photographers:
Alix, Aljai, Arbaline, Bekoim, E*An*Na, Kalasara, Karon, Kathleen, Omashar, Orianranah,
Sebastian, Sinan, Solara, Walt, Yolanda.

Several Hati (elephants) live across the lake
from our hotel.

E*An*Na, Kimberly and Kathleen took food and love
to the elephants every day.

Ama mothering the children from the Hotel Sarovar across the street.

E*An*Na making friends with a holy cow.

Cows like shopping too!

Udaipur has an amazing shopping selection!

Petra contemplates the shopping choices.

Alix peruses an amazing selection of Rajasthani miniature paintings.

She also participated in the blessing ceremony for the opening of a new store.

Ryan*Ti*Chen tries on a beautiful silk coat.

Kalasara chooses fabric to have clothes made.

Naveen at the Udai Kothi shop beams his love.

The very sweet Harish

Manoj in the One Heart at the internet cafe.

The 7th Gate Master Cylinder Photos: Part 10
Creating our Anchor Group Map.

The 7th Gate Ndex: