Ongralea in Taiwan
8th Gate energies have been and continue to be Deep and Huge bringing so many new elements into my life....
Before we met in Mallorca my life savings, possessions and dearest love were taken. I had nowhere to go, but to myself, and I had to stay here in this area of the planet, forced to live only one Moment, one Breath at a time. It was impossible to rush.
I felt such a big part of this Gate coming, yet at times things appeared impossible. It was when Solara finally announced "Mallorca, February 11th" that there came, a long "AAAaaaaa!! "
All the signs were there, the path lit before me, and a voice inside me kept saying, " It's only been eons I have been waiting!" So what if it was much more money than I thought it would be to come from Taiwan. I had enough.
Many would say it's crazy to surrender what I had to be part of the Master Cylinder at 8th Gate Activation. But thanks to these powerful new energies of the Greater Reality, I can now trust the One will continue to take care of me. Even if I get "old!"
Greater understanding is what I asked for, and wow, did it come. To all of us. Incredible. By the second day, we were dancing off the map to an endless song by (King) Omashar. The dance never ended, just turned into laughter.
I don't know how many of us got fevers and coughed, all around the awakening of the Dragons.
We were never obviously so multidimensional before...
Every time I began to fall asleep the night before the Activation Day, I was awakened by what we were all doing. Right then, as we were resting! I remember Nova especially, explaining what it was we were doing, simultaneous to all of us in action! It had an otherworldly super-clear energy of " All of Us Are The Gate."
In the arrival to our Activation Site, moving through and becoming the Gates of Initiation and stepping onto the land into our Sacred Dances was this point of Entry now fully present and prepared throughout.
Even though physically our arrangements were unusual and could yet be more ideal, the ease and the joy with which we moved, simply trusting, surprised at every little discovery..
It was priceless. Beyond any value system we practice today. I thank all of you, my greatest healers and teachers, for impressing me again and again.
You have made it safe for me to calmly witness the residue of worry, money flow, and expectations that have come up since processing time began.
The red carpet has been rolled out. I feel people responding in ways they had not before. I love being.
In The Core of the Lotus World,
I hold us and our next meeting place in the deepest awe. You know what I mean.... Ongralea