The Activation of the 8th Gate is monumental. It opens up previously uncharted realms of the deeper Invisible and enables us to enter the exquisite Lotus World, the realm of purest True Love. We are now moving off the map of the known causing everything to change at a core cellular level. Nothing will ever be the same again!
Our New Foundation is created through the Awakening of the Lotus Heart. The Lotus Heart is both our new emotional body and the core dynamic of our New Foundation. Our New Foundation can only be created with steadfast integrity and the deepest levels of commitment, openness and Love, requiring us to be Real and True like never before. This moves us into the Lotus World, the realm of Right Time - Right Place and the fulfillment of our Wildest Dreams. And this is just the beginning….
As our Lotus Heart is awakened, we pass the turning point of No-Down, No-Return and step into a whole new matrix. There is no going back to how things used to be as we find ourselves on a totally new level.
When we align our entire beings with the Lotus Heart, we break through a membrane that has kept separate all the elements within us and without us that are predestined to join together in Sacred Union. Once this membrane has dissolved, we enter the Lotus World. The Lotus World is a sublime realm infused with the most exquisite Lotus Love. Here we inhabit the state of Right Time - Right Place which finally clears the path for our long-awaited physical reunion with our One True Loves.
Lotus Love is the strongest LOVE that we have ever experienced. It is stripped down, raw, intense and To The Core. Sheer ecstasy. More real than anything we can presently imagine. LOVE that makes you feel both humbled and in awe. When you experience it, you know that from this moment onwards, you have to do everything differently and infinitely more sacredly.
Once we feel the Lotus Love coursing through us, the dam breaks and we are plunged into the River of Love. The powerful currents of the River of Love are experienced on a level we've never thought possible except in our wildest dreams and deepest, most intimate yearnings. The River of Love ever widens and deepens until everything else becomes a blur. And it leads us into the immeasurably deep Sea of Love.
Activating Eighth Gate signifies the completion of our journey through the Zone of Overlap in the middle of the Antarion Conversion, fully activating the Diamond of the Unseen and revealing an entirely new cosmology as the deeper Invisible becomes visible. The Diamond of the Unseen is the realm where the Lovers from Beyond the Stars finally unite on the physical as One True Loves. Eighth Gate births the New Matrix of True Love Partnership beyond our wildest dreams.
The 8th Gate Activation is the next level of all that was anchored during the Second Gate Activation in 1993, which was the entry point of the Lovers from Beyond the Stars. Ever since then, we've been quickening the spaces-in-between with the purity of our Love and our focused intent, calling forth our True Loves, to bring us to the time that is finally here.
During Second Gate, we first began to align and merge our deepest heart’s desires with our spiritual aspirations. Now we are in the position to manifest everything we have truly wanted for ourselves, whilst simultaneously serving and fulfilling the needs of our One Being. There is no longer any other way to be. This is the final completion of bringing any remaining oppositions and polarities into total Sacred Union.
To anchor these sublime and powerful Lotus Love energies on the planet during these troubled times will have a profound and far reaching effect.