Neusiedler Lake, Burgenland, Austria
June 5th was the most incredible experience that I’ve ever had. Previous Master Cylinders that I have participated in have been great and beyond words. Accepting that I was not going to parrticipate in 8th Gate Master Cylinder THIS time was really not easy. I had my reservation and had already paid the deposit. I felt Lake Titicaca in such a strong way, but suddenly everything changed. I was able to spend some time in the Philippines instead of being at the Activation in South America. This was part of the Activation and I got the biggest gift of healing my heart there, and I knew that this was my personal preparation for the 8th Gate Activation.
I also knew that I had to create an Anchor Group here in Austria! So I did. There were 22 participants.

On June 5th, our Anchor Group met and walked as ONE to the place of our ceremony. I had prepared it with candles and roses; it looked really lovely! We had a wonderful private place on a hill with a great view to the lake. We created the same ceremony as a Master Cylinder, and everyone entered the space doing the Mudras and was then given permission to pass into the space from our Guardian. The whole group entered into the Unknown.... and from that moment, NOTHING was like it had been before.
We then read aloud the names of all the Anchor Groups – some of us had really strong experiences during this part. It was really exciting and completely new for some of us. After a short break, we started with the Starry Processional Dance.
We had practiced this dance during the preparation meetings, and it went really great. But THIS TIME, it was a big mess! Nobody was really in their power and our unity and oneness was lost. It was a big surprise for me, and I had no idea what was going on. But then I realised that 8th Gate 2 would bring us into our own responsibility in a much stronger way. Each of us had to step in our own power and own responsibility – and WHAT our intention was would influence the whole group! If we ALL wanted the same, the Anchor Group would be amazing and really strong. Stepping into our own responsibility would support each of us. I announced this clearly to the group and let them know how important their inner intention was at that very moment. I asked them if they really had decided to step into their own power, to dance again; if they hadn't, they would still have the opportunity to be a Guardian. Everyone in the Anchor Group was touched - it could be felt strongly. I hadn’t expected it, but each person in the group decided to dance again! And THIS TIME, the dance was really powerful. After a short break, we continued with the Dance of the Elements....
During this dance, I felt strongly that I had to sit down in the middle and just watch. But what I saw made me really sad! Our Anchor Group had talked about the Dance of the Elements - we had the information and we had prepared our dance. But now it seemed that the group had forgotten everything! Suddenly everyone was dancing separately, by themselves. And I was sitting in the middle not believing that this is what human beings understood as Oneness - being separated and doing their own thing. I could not understand what was going on! And again, I realised that I had tears in my eyes as I had put so much energy into this Anchor Group; I had served strongly with all my heart and love. But there was a silent voice which said not to give up now, you know what to do. It also said that I must step into my OWN responsibility and work from my own wisdom! I felt waves of energy inside of me. I went to the fire and asked them – Is the fire love? And they said, yes. Then I joined their hands together and asked them to show that love to each other and to embody the fire as ONE! I did with all elements and suddenly they all started to dance as One!! And they danced wonderfully! As I sat in the middle again, I realised that the fire element had been activated, and the water, air and earth elements too.... it was done!!
I continued to sit in the middle and watch the Elements Dance when I suddenly felt that four arms held my body and pushed it backwards to lay down on the earth. It was magical because when I looked at the sky in that very moment, I saw the White Dragon above us beat his wings for 3 or 4 times then fly over our group. Wow – he was so big! All the elements merged into One and we stood in a big circle. Then, we moved into the Lotus Dance and the whole group merged deeper into One Being.... We could the love coming in more and more.
After the Lotus Dance, I asked a couple from our Anchor Group to come into the middle of the space and embody True Love. They did this as I played a wonderful love song. This was the moment when we really felt a download of PURE HEART LOVE. It was a deep experience for some of us, beyond words.... All of our hearts had been touched intensely, and afterwards there was time to give each other a big hug! More and more of us opened our hearts to one another.
Some of us went to rest and have a drink.. and before I could say something to them - Birgit from Salzburg stood in front of me and said: Oh, I did not hug you! And as we hugged, we both felt that we were merging into One Being. I could not leave her as we really became One. Suddenly, there was a strong wave of energy through our bodies. We can't really explain it, but both of us will never forget that moment. We had to sit down and feel what was happening; we could feel a big shift in the energy.
The group also shifted and everyone was being so light and lovely with one another; it was wonderful to watch. We sat there for a few minutes; we knew it was done. And we started to laugh from a deep place within our hearts. It felt so great. To watch the others was magnificent too.
So, the 8th Gate 2 energies came in steps for us.... everyone could feel the difference and lightness. It was really a wonderful experience and the result was magnificent.
After that, we did the Sacred Spiral Dance, prepared by our True Love couple as a thank you for me. It was a wonderful idea. Monika brought balloon hearts with her and we blew them up and played with them. It was so full of heart-warming togetherness, and it was clear to see that everyone enjoyed it.
For me, the 8th Gate 2 Activation was really was a special and unforgettable moment. It felt like all the work over the years was for that day, June 5th, 2009!! And I also understood why I needed to be here in Austria with the Anchor Group instead of being in the Master Cylinder at Lake Titicaca. I could not have had this experience there. It allowed me to completely step into my power. June 5th changed the whole world and my world; nothing is the same as it was before, and I can see that perfectly in my personal life. Freedom for me and freedom for all - EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
We finished our 8th Gate 2 ceremony around 10:00 pm. We walked tired, but happy back to our cars. What a day – none of us will forget this day. Thank you to all the wonderful Anchor Groups around the world – we were One. Thank you to everyone who participated in the Master Cylinder at Lake Titicaca! The world is not the same anymore. I am still deeply integrating.... NOW, the Journey to move through 8th Gate has begun. More and more, I am already feeling the New....and I have to change a lot now!! It´s not only time for the WHITE DRAGON, it's MY time, it's YOUR time, it's OUR time! More LOVE, more JOY, more HAPPINESS, TRUTH – our Wildest Dreams will come true.
PURE HEART LOVE to everyone around the world!! Thank you so much for your service!.... Petra from Austria.