The 11:11 Sacred Dances

Descriptions of the 11:11 Sacred Dances

Created in 1991 by Solara in Colorado, USA.
The Starry Processional is the first of the 11:11 Sacred Dances. It brings together our One Being by aligning us into One Star, then we spiral into the Greater Reality. This dance was performed worldwide by over 144,000 people at the 11:11 Activation on January 11, 1992. And it is the only Sacred Dance which has been danced at every one of our Master Cylinders at the 11:11 Gate Activations.
How to Dance the Starry Processional
Music for the STARRY PROCESSIONAL: Now by Download.
View an animation of the Starry Processional
Stunning aerial views of the Sacred Dances from the Opening of the 11:11 Doorway in Egypt
Photos of the Starry Processional at the 7th Gate Master Cylinder


Created in 1995 - 1996 by Ramariel & Solara in Machu Picchu, Peru and Montana, USA.
A wild dance which activates the Greater Love. Our movements and sounds are inspired by the Kalahari Bushmen as we embody the stars hunting for True Love. It is a strange, joyful dance that often puts us in a state of precarious physical balance until we realize how supported we are by our One Being. By the end, we discover that we have found something far beyond True Love as we are ecstatically filled with the Greater Love.
(Part of this dance was birthed by Ramariel in Machu Picchu, Peru in 1995 and the rest in Montana by Solara in 1996.)

Created in 1996 by Solara.
Another subtle dance of our One Being which constantly reweaves and realigns itself. As we dance, our One Eye is activated, taking us deeper into new levels of perception and feeling.
View an animation of the One Eye Dance


First created in 1999 by the Fourth Gate Master Cylinder in Tahiti.
Newly created at each Master Cylinder through 8 Gate 2 in Lake Titicaca, Peru / Bolivia
This Dance has been performed at every Master Cylinder since 4th Gate and is never the same. Since 5th Gate, many Anchor Groups throughout the world have also danced the Elements Dance. Individual dances are created by the Earth, Air, Water and Fire Elements.
The Dance of the Elements is an extremely grounded dance that reconnects us on a cellular level with all of life. This dance is a way of communicating to the whole planet what is taking place in terms of the quantum new energies entering the planet during the 11:11 Gate Activation. It aligns us, all of nature and everything else that exists into One Vast Unified Being on the level of pure core energy. The Dance of the Elements reconfigures and quickens the molecular structure of all lifeforms.
The Dance of the Elements
Photos of the Dance of the Four Elements at the 4th Gate Activation
Photos of the Dance of the Five Elements at the 5th Gate Activation
Photos of the Elements Dance at the 6th Gate Master Cylinder
Photos of the Elements Dance at the 7th Gate Master Cylinder
Photos of the Elements Dance at the 8th Gate 1 Master Cylinder Preparations
Photos of the Elements Dance at the 8th Gate 1 Master Cylinder Ceremony: Part 1
Photos of the Elements Dance at the 8th Gate 1 Master Cylinder Ceremony: Part 2
Photos of the Elements Dance: 8th Gate-2 Master Cylinder: Earth & Water
Photos of the Elements Dance: 8th Gate-2 Master Cylinder: Fire & Air
Photos of the Elements Dance: 8th Gate-2 Master Cylinder: The Lotus & Overview
Photos of the Elements Dance: 8th Gate-2 Master Cylinder: The Elements Merge & the White Dragon is Born

2004 by the Sixth Gate Master Cylinder in Ireland.
The Pulsating Star Dance was birthed out of the center of the One Earth - One Being Dance performed at the 6th Gate Master Cylinder. It is a small, but powerful dance that is performed in groups of six dancers holding hands, of which three dancers form an inner triangle and three dancers form an outer triangle. The two triangles pulsate in and out and revolve, exchanging positions as inner and outer triangles. It represents the birth of the seed core of the New.
View an animation of the Pulsating Star Dance
Photos of the Pulsating Star Dance at the 8th Gate 1 Master Cylinder


1998 by Solara with Ataana Loa
Created in Slovenia and Montana, USA.
Our most powerful dance was at the core of the ceremony for the Fourth Gate Activation Master Cylinder. This dance is a massive leap from all our previous dances. It heralds the return to Earth of the golden, winged lions and opens the doorway to a time of fulfillment. Through an intricate series of movements, many pairs of empowered lions weave themselves into a heightened sense of Oneness with everything.

Photos of the Aslan Dance at the 6th Gate Master Cylinder
Photos of the Aslan Dance at the 7th Gate Master Cylinder: Part 1
Photos of the Aslan Dance at the 7th Gate Master Cylinder Part 2
Photos of the Aslan Dance at the 8th Gate 1 Master Cylinder


2012 by Solara and our One Being
Created in Rapa Nui.
Our newest Sacred Dance was birthed at our 11:11 'A Mu'a Ceremony in Rapa Nui (Easter Island) in April 2012. It's purpose at the 'A Mu'a Ceremony was to align the Eye of AN with the "Eye Turned Towards the Sky" of Rapa Nui. But from now on, it will be danced to anchor the energies of AN into the planet..
Copyrighted 1991 -2012 by Solara. All Rights Reserved.
