The Activation of Second Gate took place on June 5, 1993. Ceremonies were held all over the planet with the Master Cylinder located directly on the equator inside the volcanic crater of Pululahua in Ecuador. While this was the date that Second Gate was activated, it's important to remember that we are all on our own individual timetables for transformation.
Although a Gate cannot be entered until its activation, everyone doesn't necessarily enter it at the same time. Many are still passing through First Gate, while others have yet to enter the 11:11. Often, we experience the energies and lessons of several Gates simultaneously.
Our stretching out through the available open Gates is a natural occurrence, allowing us the needed time to transform and recalibrate our beings. This passage through the 11:11 cannot be rushed, forced or faked.
The Second Gate represents the fusion of our deepest heart's desires with our highest spiritual aspirations. The fulfillment of our heart's desires becomes the next step on our spiritual path.