2011 is a powerful, powerful year! If you thought there were lots of changes last year, just wait and see what will happen this year. 2010 will seem calm and quiet compared to 2011. This is a year of NO DOWN - NO RETURN in which the road to The Way Things Used To Be will be shut down.
In 2011 the Great Wheel of Destiny will be turning. It is a momentous year which many of us have long anticipated with a sense of excitement. It's the year of the culmination of our twenty year long transformational journey through the 11:11 Doorway. This is why the final two 11:11 Gate Activations will take place later this year. This will herald the momentous end of a very long evolutionary cycle.
Many of us have the feeling that something very big is coming. And it is. Dramatic changes will be happening all year long. This is our final year of the three year cycle of MUAs. (Mua is a Tahitian word which means "In the beginning, before anything else". It signifies the beginning of a totally new, evolutionary cycle.)
The world of duality will continue to fall apart. More layers of corruption and lack of integrity will be exposed. Everything that is built upon false foundations will begin to either crumble or change. We need to be prepared for some shocking events. These will happen all over the world, but we should be particularly watchful of the United States and Europe, although events in these two areas may not happen until 2012. Drastic climate changes will continue, as well as earth changes. It's not so much a matter of what will happen, but more of HOW WE REACT TO WHAT HAPPENS. If we remain True Ones, ALL WILL BE WELL.
At the same time that duality collapses and the Earth rebalances herself, there will be a surge of LOVE and TRUENESS. Increasing numbers of people will step out of their old patterns, embrace the changes and emerge as True Ones. More and more of us will start to inhabit the New World that is being born.
This is the time of our rebirth. The rebirth of humanity. The rebirth of Trueness. The rebirth of Planet Earth. The coming together of us as ONE BEING. All births can be messy and bloody, yet they are vitally necessary and full of miracles. While we are in the midst of our birthing pains, it's important to remember that any volatile situation can be instantly defused or transformed. Duality is going to crumble, but it doesn't have to happen with shocking events; it can also transform quickly and gently by simply flipping over into something aligned with Oneness.
2011 emphasizes getting into our rightful positions so our New Lives can begin. If you don't feel you are in your right place, find out where your right place is and go there as soon as you can. Don't let anything hold you back. Many people are concerned about being in a place that is "safe". If you go where your True Heart leads you to be, you will be in your right place. We don't need to worry about what is "safe", only about what feels right to us. True Ones are always in RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE.
It is also a time for us to join together with other True Ones. The time of being solitary hermits is finally over. We are going to be interacting with lots of new people this year in ways that we cannot yet imagine.
All year long, our established roles will be changing. For example: A person who has worked in an office may suddenly decide to become a chef, or a person who has always lived in the same big city may move across the world to a small, remote village. But roles are changing on an even deeper level than merely a shift of occupation or location. A person in a leadership position may totally set it aside to work with others on a more co-creative level. Someone who has always been a follower may suddenly assume the responsibility of being in charge. Many of us will willingly and enthusiastically plunge into new situations and new roles in which we have to learn everything from scratch.
2011 requires efficiency and effort, plus the participation of our full beings. It's going to require constant courage because we are going to be traveling way off the Map of the Known and far beyond the previous boundaries of our comfort zones. We're not going to have any guidebooks or maps except for our internal knowingness. There will be much that we don't understand and much to learn. It's all going to be absolutely new to us. And this is exactly what will make it fun and exciting, and sometimes awkward and overwhelming.
We can now create lives exactly as we want; we can recreate ourselves. We can live True Lives as True Ones. To do this, we take all that we are, all we have ever been in this world and beyond, and we bring it all into the EXPANDED HERE and NOW.
The first half of 2011 will focus on getting into our correct positions so we can more fully emerge into the New World. As soon as we are in position, we have to learn how to navigate our New Landscape. Often, the New Navigation will feel like we are traversing a winding labyrinth. Things will not happen in a direct, linear manner. They won't happen in the ways that we think they should happen. Yet, it is exactly this meandering journey through the uncharted realms of our New World that will give us the perfect experiences, special contacts and most needed information. At times, we may feel confused or overwhelmed because there is so much that we don't yet understand. It will take constant courage and more openness than we've ever accessed to completely enter the New World.
The focus for the second half of 2011 is on fully inhabiting our New World as True Ones living True Lives and aligning with our New Purpose as One Being In Action. This is when our New Lives officially begin and the fulfillment of our Wildest Dreams manifests in ways that we never imagined possible.
2011 is an intense, power-packed year of action, breakthroughs, breakdowns, LOVE, courage, clarity, effort, efficiency, challenges, massive transformation and total brilliance. Where we are and who we are with is very important. If we are in our right places with the right people, everything will be much easier and more fun. This is the year to start fully living in the EXPANDED HERE and NOW because this is becoming our predominant reality and soon will be all there is.
May the Great Year of 2011
bring us to our right places and right people
with the Flowering of our Wildest Dreams,
the Fulfillment of our New Purpose
and the Love of All Loves.

Copyright Solara 2011
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