April is a powerful month when a great doorway opens for many of us. It ushers in a period where we will be grounding and solidifying the monumental changes we've been experiencing. The scaffolding that has long been around our transfiguring beings like a protective cocoon, is finally starting to be removed! Every hidden corner of our beings feel stretched, turned inside out and revealed for everyone to see, including our own selves.
It's now time for us to become even more comfortable with the vibrant colors of our New Landscape and to let them infuse our entire being as we accept this heightened New Reality as our predominant reality. To apply our newly acquired wisdom and awareness into all aspects of our daily lives. And to fully accept that now is the time when we must start living True Lives as True Ones.
All the while, increasing numbers of us are becoming free of duality. We are ready to completely recreate our lives, either by totally recalibrating the way we live in the place where we are now or by moving to a completely new True Position. Often these new True Positions are in places where we never thought of moving, such as moving from the city to the country or moving across the world.
All month long, we will be clearing our new path and creating new ways to manifest the truest lives possible. We will receive numerous hints and clues pointing us to our True Direction. New connections and exciting opportunities will appear from Out of the Blue.
Some of us may have felt ready to step out of our old lives until the moment when our new opportunities appear. This is when strong attachments to our old lives may suddenly flare up. Do we go forward or do we stay where we are? Are we suddenly beginning to love our old lives out of familiarity, fear or insecurity or because we're already in our right place? Is our commitment to living a True Life being tested?
The Quantum Surf is up in April, thrusting us into a massive creative surge that unleashes previously undiscovered levels of creativity which we never knew we had within us. This is part of the New Navigation, learning to surf the constant, ever growing creative surges while not getting burned out. Reaching into the depths of our beings and constantly pulling out new, Off the Map, inspirations and solutions while in the midst of non-stop action. And everything we create, serves to birth the New Reality into the physical.
We are nearing the end of a cycle in which we will bring some major tasks to completion. Some of us will prepare to let go of old jobs and relationships. Long standing projects will finally be finished. This will free us to go full speed into our True Direction, or if we're already there, to solidify and refine what we've created.
We are now officially in the N0 DOWN - NO RETURN Zone and from here on, this is a permanent place for us to be. We can often sense the shifting sands beneath our feet and are learning to instantly see the solid spots of Trueness as each one appears for stability. We are also realizing that we can no longer be random with where we put our energy; everything we do has to be absolutely TRUE.
We are no longer spread out between Past and Future as we were before, but are more centered in the expanded HERE and NOW. We feel both completely challenged and completely supported. Even when the rug is pulled out from underneath us, we hold fast to the knowingness that ALL IS WELL.
There's a feeling of vastness in April that enables us to break free. We are boldly choosing to say, "Enough is enough!" to that which hinders us.
As the Invisible becomes increasingly visible, we will continue going deeper Off the Map of the Known until the previously Unknown is so comfortable that it becomes our "New Normal". And we are so ready!

With True True Love,
With deep Gratitude and Love for the inspiration and brilliant insights of:
Anthony, Arbaline, Carolyn, Denise, Edward, Emanaku, Inger, Kalasara,
Keenuane, Kinga, Maitreya, Malcolm, Maria, Trinity, Yuliya