At the beginning of 2015, the gap between the old reality of duality and the New Reality appears larger than ever before. At the same time a mass migration is taking place as many people leave duality behind and move into the New Landscape. More and more people are realizing that we will not find our True Place, True People and True Purpose within our old, worn out context anymore.
January is a time of major clearing, cleansing, and purging anything that no longer resonates with the New Reality. There is a new energetic window of opportunity to release anything that inhibits our highest vibrational frequency. Because of this, many of us will be clearing the path into our True Lives in January.
In the Year 2015 Surf Report, I wrote about how we are ratcheting ourselves on a steel cable over the abyss between our old lives and our True Lives. Each month, we make further progress and each month dramatically changes our vantage point. Now we have passed the halfway point across the abyss. This makes us feel much freer from the enticements of duality. Our old lives appear distant and lifeless. We can now see, taste and feel the New Reality and it is SO VIBRANTLY ALIVE!!! This fills us with fresh excitement and renews our determination to get to the other side.
In January, while crossing over the abyss, we might encounter the final residue of our resistance to fully inhabit the New Landscape. This is when we may appear to go backwards for a bit. But this backwards movement actually helps us to clearly face our resistance, rather than superficially skim over it, so we can release it once and for all.
Over the past couple of months, any repetition of old expired gestures has been especially hollow. Doing anything –– simply because others expect it or tradition demands it, is so devoid of meaning that it is life depleting. Increasingly, all expired forms of expression, celebration and gratuitous repetitions that we fondly refer to as ‘traditions’ feel empty.
If our fears of moving into our new directions are too ingrained, then we will receive a series of ever escalating wake up calls until we finally get it. It is definitely the time to SHIFT WORLDS.
Right at the beginning of January, we will experience distractions and events to test our balance, yet every time we can remember who we are and why we are here, all cloudiness lifts. Following our Heart’s Knowingness strengthens our intuition and gives us the needed guidance. Our sensitivity is further honed when we pay attention to subtle vibrational changes. Realms beyond our understanding are coming together in a completely whole fabric as the energetic bits and pieces of duality lose their definition. Any elements of separation will continue to be revealed and puff away into nothingness like smoke.
As the year begins, we are shown that the greatest success comes when we are creating new things. When we follow our old pursuits, old interests and established career path, we can see that it soon reaches a dead end. But anything which is in our True Direction has a clear open road with plenty of Green Lights to illuminate its path.
Another wave of people are now leaving our life because we have completed what we had to do together and are being led into different directions. Some old friendships are being released because they are not based on transparency, honesty and openness. Without these qualities present, these friendships feel empty and meaningless. As the same time, some people from our past are re-entering our lives on a completely new level, with a stronger, deeper sense of kinship and shared purpose than ever before. In addition, many new people will be coming into our lives this year.
Another wave of loved ones is now leaving the planet. Even though many dear ones have died in the past few years, we can feel that we are still woven together with them in the Tapestry of Oneness. We carry the threads of their beings eternally woven within us. This is creating a strong connection for us with the worlds beyond, causing our One Being to expand exponentially.
January will be a time of heightened clarity. We will be guided into our True Position with confidence and courage, in a way that we have never experienced before. The two main challenges will be letting go when we absolutely know that it is necessary and being affected by the impacts arising from dying duality itself. This stress may overlay our sense of freedom in the next few months.
Many structures that were built upon foundations of polarization are falling apart. Humanity has long been held in check by propaganda and influenced by the spiraling chaos of an expired reality system fighting for its life. But now is the time when our True Heart Love energy can and will start to pierce all the false structures of this world. Be ready, be flexible and fearless! We have the strength and clarity to purge and release anything that is hindering us. We will experience manifestation Beyond our Wildest Dreams!
January is a month of deep inner changes and numerous insights that help us to further unhook ourselves from our old lives and old ways of being. In February, we will start implementing these profound changes into our lives so we can solidify our True Positions.
Many of us have been waiting for something definitive to happen. We can feel huge changes on their way. There's also a strong sense of waiting for something deep within us to be activated so we can fully emerge as our True Selves. We are waiting for a key to turn so a doorway into a completely new reality can fully open. Until it does, we should continue to put as many elements as possible into their right positions, for this is what will create the key.
January is the change before the Change. It is our final month of waiting. When we reach the Turning Point, the door to the New World will fully open. After that, there will be no turning back. NO DOWN - NO RETURN. We can feel a huge sense of excitement at what is to come!
February will bring us forward motion and a momentous New Beginning. By the end of the month, we will clearly see the powerful effects of our four month MEGA RESET and how we have been profoundly changed.

With True New Year Love,
With deep Gratitude and Love for the inspiration and brilliant insights of:
Abjini, Denise, Emanaku, Inger,