June brings us a strong sense of accomplishment. As we finish the last few miles of our Final Miles, much will be brought to completion all month long. This is all necessary preparation for the Great Convergence. There is still much to be done, but somehow, we can do it! We can finally see the shining light at the end of the tunnel.
This month feels really fresh and clean, like we've all just been thorough the car wash and thoroughly scrubbed and polished to a brilliant patina inside and out. There's a powerful surge of clean, new energy and a sense of rising excitement for things that we can't yet see. There's a deep, internal stillness interlaced with a lot of action. We feel more integrated and in balance. New, truer parts of our beings are emerging and they feel natural and good.
The Mercury Retrograde that we are experiencing until June 11th is an important preparation for the Great Convergence. It brings us far more than the usual revision and rerouting. It is giving us a fresh look at everything. We are also gaining an expanded perspective of things that happened in our past as a lot of memories of people and experiences are being brought up to the surface to look at in a new way. This isn't happening so we can replay our old memories, feel guilty or sad for what happened or didn't happen, and stay stuck in our past. If we do this, it's kind of a trap. Instead, if we are grateful for our past experiences and see their place in our larger story, we can integrate them within our beings with a heightened perspective. We can be at peace with our past. We can gracefully and thankfully roll up the threads of the past onto the spool of the Here & Now.
In May, we experienced a lot of shifting templates. This has created new fissures in The Way Things Used To Be. These new openings enable unexpected occurrences and quantum breakthroughs to happen. This starts right at the beginning of the month. With our sweeping shift of perspective, we are able to see more of the New Landscape than we ever dreamed was there. This will enable us to move forward with confidence during the second half of June as we approach the Great Convergence.
June changes the game of life that we've been playing. It adds new elements to the game, changes the rules of the game and changes our approach to the game, as well as the way we play it. Everything becomes infinitely more serious and real, but feels increasingly natural and deeply fulfilling as well.
There's an increasing separation between the media generated "reality" and what is really going on in the world. Increasing numbers of us no longer believe in this fabricated view of reality and are now able to read between the lines and see the true picture of what is the True Reality. This is an important and necessary step to fully step free from duality.
There's a deepening of existing relationships, a letting go of ones which can't deepen and the arrival of new people who are aligned with our True Purpose. It feels like a new collective is being formed, a collective that is drawn together by a resonance of Trueness.
For the past year or so, many of us have taken the art of multi-tasking with myriad details to previously inconceivable, Off the Map levels. This is especially true for those of us who have been making preparations to live True Lives or who are already creating the New Reality. These experiences have been beyond challenging. Yet now, we are finally able to see the results of our efforts. We can see how profoundly we have been transformed by this. We have been stretched beyond our breaking point in one direction and then into another and another, until all our previous limitations and boundaries have been so irrevocably transformed that they no longer exist!
All month long, June will be filled with the fresh air of clarity and Trueness. It will show us clearly where our seeds of the New are to be planted. In June, there will be a lot of internal movement, while in July there will be a lot of external movement. This is because our entire world is rearranging to fit the new energies.
For the past month, I have been profoundly touched by what is happening in Nepal. Especially by the way that the young people in the cities are leaping into action and taking responsibility for helping their people in isolated areas. The way that monks and nuns are leaving the comfort of their spiritual practices in their monasteries and traveling to remote villages to bring aid.
This is all such a stunning example of ONE BEING IN ACTION. And it is just what is most needed on the planet right now. It is true Compassion in Action. It is a powerful demonstration of living our truths by mastering service on the most down-to-earth, practical levels. It is totally inspiring to watch the seeds of something so new and true emerge from the devastating Null Zone that has occurred there.
In June, we will see a much clearer picture of our transfigured New Landscape. And we will start making plans to move into this New Landscape, rather than just visiting it. June gives us a clear overview of the next several months. This month we will be completing the final mile of our Final Miles. It also brings us the Great Convergence during the Activation of the Heart of AN on June 30th.
The Convergence energies will be in full affect until the middle of July when our Emergence from the Convergence begins. In August we will tie up loose ends and merge together separated fragments of our beings. In September we enter unknown territory as this month presents us with a shining New Landscape upon which we can now begin to plant the seeds of our True Lives and take our first steps into a new world.
Let's all ride like the wind to our Great Convergence. And as we meet, energetically or physically or both, our One Being itself will be transfigured!
Since we will be super busy facilitating and hosting the Activation of the Heart of AN and several other special events in June and July, the July Surf Report may be late or it may appear in two parts. I will do the best I can to get it to you as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

With True Heart Love,
With deep Gratitude and Love for the inspiration and brilliant insights of:
Arbaline, Barbara, Denise, Emanaku, Inger, Keenuane, Malcolm, Maria