Solara's MARCH 2010 Surf Report

Mandala by Solara: Seeing with the Eyes of a True One


On the Path of LOVE





In February the Winds of Change arrived with huge gusts, blowing numerous new elements into our lives. They also blew away more of the expired and untrue. Our Perfect Storms effectively dredged up the old wounds of the past so they could be healed and transformed. Many of our old wounds were lodged so deeply, and hidden so cleverly within us, that we didn't even know that they were there, or we thought that we had already dealt with them. Suddenly there they were in plain sight! Our emotions rose to the surface, tears fell, a deep sadness enveloped us, and just as quickly, more layers of our old heart pains were released from our personal matrixes with a series of quick strong Xuás!!

As the veils of the Unseen blew off, a noticeable deepening took place. We became truer and more real. Our courage and confidence in our self noticeably strengthened. As we were filled with the sad-sweetness of tender and sometimes raw, emotions, some of the small details of life such as simple acts of kindness, feelings of kinship or love, became ever more precious and filled us with waves of gratitude.

Some of the sadness we felt was from the many familiar elements that are now leaving us. Old behaviors, patterns, habits, blockages, internal resistances, and limiting beliefs began dismantling themselves and dissolved. These have been a significant part of our old landscape for quite awhile. It's as if all our neighbors suddenly moved away. And even though we didn't know many of them and didn't like some of them, this creates a dramatic, unexpected upheaval, much like an earthquake, in our old familiar world of The Way Things Used To Be.

Our old landscape is being irrevocably altered and we are in the midst of moving from a place of familiarity into the uncharted realms of the Unknown. One of our main priorities at this time is to fully emerge as True Ones right in the midst of our old situations that are dissolving. Once we do this, we become like a giant in a dollhouse. We grow too big for our old lives and our old landscape bursts it seams and is hereby transformed.

Although we began this year on a totally Blank Canvas, many elements have now arrived on it that are coloring our future. These brilliant hues are just starting to form into definable shapes, yet they are already having a powerful influence upon us.

Throughout February, we could feel the imminent arrival of far reaching changes. By the end of the month, they had begun to come in, like a series of powerful tsunamis bringing change after change. These tsunamis will continue to get stronger throughout the month of March.



A Null Zone occurs when energies suddenly collapse in upon themselves,
totally shattering old patterns and demolishing old structures into myriad fragments
that cannot be put back together as they were before

Times of Completion always bring in-depth purifications and repatternings on a massive scale. Knowing this, we shouldn't be surprised that there are lots of Null Zones occurring during this time. Null Zones are shocking events that always happen without any warning, when we least expect them. An invisible trigger is activated that suddenly crashes everything down all around us and sometimes inside of us, sending out shockwaves into multiple directions.

Null Zones irrevocably break up long established patterns, entrenched belief systems and basic behaviors. Old structures, both physical and non-physical, may be demolished in an instant. Our inner or outer landscape is dramatically reconfigured. Many of these are things that we have heavily identified ourselves with -- for they defined who we are and the world we live in. They were the building blocks of our old world, the ones that kept us locked into the world of duality. These include old roles which we felt defined who we are, the work we do, the physical environment that we live in and our normal pattern of daily activities and social interactions.

Whenever a Null Zone occurs, our old ways of being are so completely shattered that they cannot be put back together into their previous positions. It's like smashing a delicate glass sculpture onto a concrete floor; it breaks into myriad shards and fragments that are simply impossible to glue back together. Nor can we put the Null Zoned elements back into their old positions. The old patternings are often totally cleared out from our personal or planetary matrixes by the mere force of the Null Zoning. Some things have to be Null Zoned, for they are too engrained to be removed by other means and it is the only way to thoroughly eradicate them.

Null Zones are always painful to experience as they shock us to the very core nucleus of our beings, but they are also super effective in irrevocably shattering old patterns in an instant. This is currently happening on a massive scale, taking place on both personal internal levels and on large scale external levels that affect huge numbers of people.

However, Null Zones do serve an important purpose. Not only do they shatter old patterns and deepen our compassion, but they also create the most fertile ground for birthing the New. By demolishing the old, they create the open space for us to expand our beliefs to allow for the entrance of totally new, "off the map" elements. Just like a boat that is wedged on a sandbar, Null Zones knock us free of any old stuck places. For example, if we are stuck in a limiting belief that makes us unhappy, then the Null Zone may jar us free.

Null Zones are often followed by a huge creative surge. Elements that were long repressed, restricted or held back by the old structures or old beliefs are now free to expand in totally new directions.

All Null Zones create an immeasurable deepening....


As we further emerge as True Ones, there are many elements that must be removed from our personal matrixes. These include stuck old patterns, emotional residue of the past, long ingrained misconceptions, limiting behaviors, old resistances, blockages and distorted energies. Often this releasing process takes the form of a Null Zone. A Null Zone feels similar to a bomb going off inside of us, setting off a massive internal explosion that affects every cell of our being and radiates outwards.

Perfect Storms often create the ideal conditions for Null Zones, yet we can be in the middle of a Perfect Storm and not necessarily be Null Zoned. Perfect Storms are extremely challenging, but not nearly as painful as a Null Zone. They may temporarily flatten us, but they don't usually shatter our inner landscape. Perfect Storms don't demolish things; but they do put everything on the line, rearrange things and clear out old energy. We emerge greatly transformed by a Perfect Storm, but the world around us often appears the same. We are not forced to recreate new basic blocks of our being. Our outer landscape has not been totally destroyed.

When an internal Null Zone takes place inside us, our outer landscape is still the same, but we are not. This is because our internal landscape has been deeply altered. An inner shattering of our internal world has occurred that now forces us to learn new approaches to everything we do.

Internal Null Zones are usually triggered by outside events. Some of these are obviously shocking, while others are more subtle. Examples of obvious Null Zone triggers would include: suddenly losing our job, our partner leaves us, someone close to us unexpectedly dies, discovering that we have a serious illness, extreme depression or encountering a new truth that nullifies substantial parts of what we believed in before.

Some examples of more subtle Null Zone triggers are: a long cherished dream or expectation is shattered, an old belief is smashed, or we become paralyzed by our fears and go into a panic attack, or we become overwhelmed by the profusion of elements that we need to deal with and all the worlds we have been holding up come crashing down upon us, or our confidence in our self is shaken to the core. All of these possible scenarios lead us to the questions "Who is the self that is getting shattered?" "Is it all of me or only a part of who I am?"

It is when we realize that the Null Zone is not happening to our full being that our True Selves can come to our rescue. When we step into being a True One, we can suddenly see that we are infinitely larger than the part of us that is being Null Zoned, and the Null Zone immediately starts to diminish.

This is why that although they are intensely felt and deeply shattering, the internal Null Zones that occur within us are not as devastating as they used to be. They may thoroughly break us into millions of pieces; yet we now recover surprisingly quickly from them. It no longer takes weeks or months to reconfigure ourselves. Internal Null Zones can often be passed through in a few days or if we are lucky, in a few hours. This is because as we emerge as True Ones, we are infinitely vaster beings. When we are Null-Zoned, it only affects a part of us, rather than our whole being. Being a True One rescues us from our internal Null Zones.

It helps us greatly to be aware of when we are Null Zoned. Once we realize that this is what has happened, we are halfway to recovery. We just can't expect to come out of it with the same inner landscape that we had before. We have been vastly changed by our experience. We have been deepened and become truer. Although our outer landscape may appear the same, it is not. Our Null Zoning requires us to make some profound adjustments.

When we are in the midst of a Null Zone, we feel lost. We can't see any breakthroughs or positive benefits from our experience. Everything appears hopeless. We might feel that we want to run and hide, but there is no place to escape to; the Null Zone pushed us onto a dead end road from which there is no exit.

This is when we need to look with total honesty at the issues that the Null Zone has brought up. We need to face the strong emotions that we are feeling and honestly look at the debris of what has been shattered. Don't try to avoid anything, even if it's something within ourselves that is raw and extremely painful to look at. It takes tremendous courage to do this, but this is exactly what is needed.

Once we do this, a change takes place, like the Sun slowing returning to warm a frigid landscape. Suddenly we can start to feel the profound changes that have occurred in our inner landscape. Love returns.... We no longer feel alone and nakedly vulnerable. Trust returns.... The knowing that everything is happening in perfect timing returns....

After experiencing a Null Zone, everything must be completely repatterned. We don't have the option of returning to The Way Things Used To Be. We can feel waves upon waves go out from us in all directions, uprooting everything from their old positions and flipping them all over, like a huge forest of trees downed in a single, massive explosion. After we've experienced an internal Null Zone, it's important to be ultra gentle with ourselves. We still feel fragmented and highly sensitive. Everything within us has been totally reconfigured and we need to give ourselves the necessary quiet to allow these profound changes to settle in before we leap back into action.

The golfer, Tiger Woods is a good example of someone who has recently experienced an internal Null Zone that was triggered by his impact with a Perfect Storm. All of his old world has come crashing down and it is impossible for him to go back to The Way Things Used To Be. When he hit his Perfect Storm, if he had honestly faced the issues that it brought up, it would not have Null Zoned him. But since he chose to go into seclusion, avoiding his lessons and not communicate honestly about his issues, this only made things worse for him. Now, he has the opportunity to make the necessary internal and external adjustments to be more honest, integreous and true. Then he can go out and recreate a totally new life in the ruins of his old landscape.

Null Zones are terrible to experience, yet they are a natural occurrence of this time. Major repatterning is required in their aftermath, yet the opportunities for mega breakthroughs always follow Null Zones. We are set free in ways that we cannot even imagine.


External Null Zones are much more powerful and far reaching. They usually take the form of physical disasters such as intense storms, flooding, severe snowstorms, earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, the collapsing of governments and financial systems, the breakdown of social order, revolutions, acts of terrorism, or other major unexpected upheavals.

Several huge external Null Zones have occurred recently throughout the planet. Some notable ones include the 8.8 Chilean earthquake of February 27th, the devastating earthquake in Haiti, and the massive flood damage that occurred in the Sacred Valley near Cuzco, Peru that destroyed numerous villages and 80% of their crops.

Whenever these extremely shocking events happen, it's important for us to not to get caught into the constant news feeds and into the fear. But also, don't avoid looking at them. This is part of the delicate dance we do on this planet of Walking the Razor's Edge. The best way that we can deal with these Null Zones is to come together even stronger than before as One Being and strengthen the resonance of PURE HEART LOVE. Be aware of what is happening, but don't get drawn into the fear and the drama. Embody PURE HEART LOVE and embrace everyone in the affected area with the strength of your presence as a True One.

When an external Null Zone occurs, everyone and everything in that area is affected. External Null Zones create simultaneous internal Null Zones for everyone who experiences them. As an example, there is the recent devastating earthquake in Chile. A huge section of Central Chile felt the earthquake. Everyone went through the horrifying experience together. It didn't matter whether you were rich or poor, young or old, spiritually evolved or unaware. Everyone felt the earthquake both internally and externally. All the animals and birds felt it. All the physical structures experienced the violent shaking. All of nature felt it. This is a powerful shared experience....

Within a few minutes, everything was irrevocably changed. The old landscape was demolished. Priorities were instantly rearranged. All superficial distractions were dropped and the focus turned to what is most important -- finding and embracing our loved ones and basic survival.

Everyone who experienced this was deepened beyond measure. This deepening will be with them for the rest of their lives. Here is a touching quote from the Admin of the All Chile Forum: "The thing I keep seeing in all Chileans everywhere is how their eyes have changed. It is in the eyes of the Chileans from the President of Chile, to the girls in my office, to the guy that cuts my lawn. There is something both sad and scared, but also something more now. Not aged. I would say it is somehow similar to the eyes of the old Native Americans, but very different. Chileans, young and old, rich and poor, all have that sad, but determined pain in their stare."

What he sees in everyone's eyes is a massive deepening. A sudden reordering of priorities that took place in an instant.... I've noticed this many times in the eyes of those who have gone through traumatic events. And this massive deepening will only serve the rebirth of Chile. Or Haiti. Or El Valle Sagrado in Peru. Or wherever the next Null Zone takes place.

In the aftermath of a Null Zone, there is a surge of creativity and action. At first it is on the basic survival level -- looking for food and water, searching for loved ones, rescuing survivors, putting together a temporary shelter out of whatever can be found. Survivors come together and help one another. What always touches me is when ordinary people fill their cars with blankets, food and water and drive out to the affected areas to give whatever help they can. This is ONE BEING IN ACTION. It is unhesitatingly taking on responsibility and Mastering Service by doing what is needed, when it is needed.

As the waves of a major Null Zone spread out across the world, there is the mobilization of volunteers and the raising of funds to help the survivors. Unfortunately, very little of the financial aid that is so generously given ever reaches the people who most need it. This is why people are still living in tents and makeshift shelters in Haiti while over $100,000,000 was raised to help them. Or why Peru's top priority was to rescue tourists from Machu Picchu rather than help the tens of thousands of indigenous people who lost absolutely everything. This is just another sign that we need to find new ways to help, new ways of taking responsibility for the well being of our One Being. We can't rely on old methods or on governments and established organizations to do it for us.

While the basic survival needs are being met, we make contact with new people, then we turn our attention to deciding what to do and where to live now that our old lives have disappeared. Next, we begin seeding the New in the midst of the chaos and devastation. I just heard a story about how musicians would sit and play their music in the bombed out ruins of Germany right after World War II. This is seeding the New....

Then, our creativity expands to the areas of creating totally new structures rather than simply duplicating the old ones that have been destroyed. We have to do this even when there are forces which are strongly trying to recreate the past. Instead, we must use the golden opportunity of a Null Zone to implement new ways of doing things and birth new paradigms.

Every external Null Zone has profound, far reaching effects that spread across the planet. Our hearts open wider and we experience a deepening of our compassion. Some Null Zones remove hardened knots of old magic from our planetary matrix. Others such as volcanic eruptions can affect the climate of the whole world. The Chilean earthquake ripped loose two tectonic plates that were stuck together and actually shortened the length of each day through the huge displacement of physical mass.

I always pay careful attention to the locations of external Null Zones, for these are significant places of the future where the New can flourish without the restrictions of the old patterns.

It's important for us to understand the true nature of Null Zones. We cannot allow ourselves to be thrown off balance by them. Null Zones call our One Being into Action. We need to be able to navigate through Null Zones as True Ones so we can help those in need, for each person who can help others during a Null Zone can have a huge effect.



The Silent Watchers are vast beings who hold all the worlds within worlds in balance and maintain the interweaving of the grids in multiverses. They moved into position right before the creation of Time to serve as stabilization pinions. Some of us have long served as Silent Watchers. We were deeply trained not to leave our positions or let go of our focused intent, even for an instant.

When Null Zones happen within the worlds that we are ever watching, our old response would be to hold the grid stronger than ever before in order to bring it back into a position of stability and balance. However now, we have a new response. This doesn't come from outer instructions or orders from On High, for the time of receiving instructions from outside sources is over. There are no more messages to be received from On High, for we are them.

Instead, these new responses come from an activation within our own cellular memory banks. It is information that has been encoded within us since we first became Silent Watchers. Our new response is to now expand the grids so that everything may freely move into their new positions. From this long awaited expansion, will come a shift into a totally new paradigm.

The Silent Watchers have a long history of being well trained to hold on, no matter what. Now as True Ones, it's time to let go of our old training and our rigid adherence to outside orders and ancient vows, and see that the time has come to let go and allow the grid to repattern itself.

This setting aside of our ancient training and old orders is true for many types of beings such as the nature spirits known as Wild Things, devas, and ancient humans who have long served on this planet as strong anchors such as the First Wave and the Australian Aboriginals. We have held the energy into position for so long, that many of us have forgotten what we are holding onto or why we are doing this. Because of this rigid holding on, some of us might miss the sign that it is now time to let go of the old paradigm and allow it to expand into the New.



The Key to absolutely everything is being a True One.

During this time, major trust in ourselves is needed. This isn't blind faith; it's the knowing and acceptance that we are True Ones. True Ones are positioned in the Centerpoint of RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE. This means that everything is unfolding in our lives with a stunning rightness in its perfect timing.

This knowingness gives us the freedom to go forward without a clear, concrete plan. We can accept not being able to see the specific details of our future. We may not yet clearly see exactly where we are going, how we will get there or understand why things are happening as they are. We just do things because they feel right and make us feel fulfilled on the deepest levels, not because we totally understand them.

The reason why the specific details of our future haven't been revealed to us yet is because we might be scared if we knew the massive scope of what is coming into our lives. We might even go into a state of panic. Not because any of it is bad, but because it is what we most want. Some of these changes are the things that we didn't even dare dream of. And now they are almost here....

Until we fully trust our inner knowing and the sense of rightness that ever surrounds us, it's understandable that security issues will arise. Sometimes we may feel like one of the paintings of those large sailing ships that is about to sail off the end of the world. Will I survive? Will I destroy my old support systems and not get a new one? Is it really safe to leap off of my old safety net? Will a new road really open up before me?

Of course, if we've just been impacted by an external Null Zone, these questions are no longer valid. The old support systems are gone. We can either try to grab onto alternate safety nets on the same level as before or even better, we can shift levels and locate the huge invisible safety net that has been in place for a long time, simply waiting for us to see it. All of us as True Ones have this infinitely vaster and immeasurably stronger invisible safety net. Once we see through the eyes of a True One, it will be immediately visible.

It's important that we continually suspend all judgment as to the results of our efforts. We do what we do because we are being true to who we really are. We serve the ONE, not out of altruism or sacrifice, but because it fulfills us and makes us feel more alive. We are capable and responsible because it feels good. We become Masters of Service because it gives us joy. We LOVE because it's simply who we are.

As we do this, we move into a new, highly concentrated and extremely potent, state of RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE. This is symbolized by a large X. We now inhabit the extremities of the vastness at the top and bottom of the X, combined with the Centerpoint. Vastness unites with Core Self. The Far Distant Worlds merge into the HERE and NOW. Then everything is filled with a perfect rightness.

No matter what happens, no matter how many Null Zones we navigate, no matter how these monumental changes taking place this year manifest in our lives, they will ultimately be the ones that we most want. They will make us deeply happy. Knowing this, and trusting what we know deep within us, will help us through this time of profound change and upheaval.



There are many things happening this month besides Null Zones. March is a month of expansion in which we leap into action. Many long unfinished projects will finally be brought to completion. Plus, new waves of exciting new tasks, projects and people are arriving on our doorstep. At the end of the month we may well be surprised at how much we have accomplished.

We are in the process of exploring our New Landscape, and March will bring us important new information, connections and enhanced vision to enable us to more clearly see where we are. A new level of our sorting out process begins as we go through everything again, this time with the new eyes of a deepened True One, to see what to keep and what to release. We will be clearing out old behaviors and duality-based emotions from our personal matrixes. We will be sorting through our personal possessions to release what no longer resonates with us as a True One. We will take a fresh look at our Wildest Dreams and expand them to allow for the entrance of the totally new and unexpected. We will also be recalibrating everything on our inner and outer landscape to match our new level.

Worry, depression and guilt must now be completely removed from our personal matrixes. instead of putting our energy into worrying, why don't we use that energy to come up with new creative solutions? Instead of sinking into depression, why don't we use our energy to strengthen ourselves as a True One? Instead of feeling guilty for past wrongs, why don't we put our energy into learning from our "mistakes" and do things right?

Since our New Landscape is continually expanding, many of our old activities are dropping away; they no longer hold any interest to us and have become too small and lifeless. It's extremely liberating to let them go. Some of our old activities are transforming into new endeavors. New skills, talents, abilities and avenues for our creativity will be revealed, showing us capabilities that we never realized that we had. Many things are being flipped over into their new positions.

For several years we've been searching for many things. We've been looking for our inner strength and empowerment, for the courage to openly be a True One, for our New Lives, for our real capabilities, for our true purpose, for our One True Loves. The only problem is that we've been looking in the wrong places. It's like looking for food in your kitchen in the cupboard that holds your pots and pans. We're in the right room, but in the wrong cupboard. We will not find any of these things that we most yearn for in the cupboards of duality. Our small selves may be starving, but won't be able to see the bounty of nourishment that is present until we make our full commitment to emerge as True Ones. If we continue to look in the old default places or in the places where we always thought things are "supposed" to be, we won't find them. It's essential that we not only Look Larger, but that we look off the Map of the Known. The expanded HERE and NOW is where they will be found. What we seek is all around us.

For the past few months, we have been dissolving many old resistances and blockages that have long held us back. We've been dismantling the triggers that set off our old automatic reactions. We have also been experiencing an in depth healing of our hearts. In March, we will be able to see the results of this. We can now begin to implement new ways of doing things and new ways of being. As we do this, more and more people will start living as True Ones.

March has a faster pace; things move quickly. There will be many new opportunities and new choices to be made. Some of the decisions that we thought we would make in February were pushed back to March. Now we have to make them, but this time we will have the needed clarity and necessary information to make wise choices. Some of us will make major, life changing decisions about our future direction.

The energy is getting increasingly stronger, but our capabilities to deal with this are also becoming stronger. Many of us are experiencing a profound deepening. At times, it may feel like we are on a wild roller coaster ride with the energies changing several times each day; yet we won't fall off our roller coaster and it will take us where we most need and want to go. No matter what occurs, our best stance is to be open and expanded. Let the things that aren't yet clear remain undefined until they find their rightful positions. The middle of the month will bring big changes with a new surge of forward motion. Many new elements are coming in from "Off the Map" areas that we couldn't previously see. More of our beautiful New Landscape will be revealed. And we will know in our Heart of Hearts that we are on a direct trajectory into the New and True.


I am now on Facebook as Solara Eleven-Eleven if you would like to be my Friend. You are all invited to visit and join our new 11:11 Doorway page on Facebook.
This has already become a strong gathering point for our One Being.

A brilliant new Photo Gallery of all the 11:11 Activations.

Solara's Facebook Photo Gallery: Images from the Greater Reality and Beyond
(You don't need to join Facebook to visit my Gallery.)

Copyright Solara 2010
All Rights Reserved

Surf Report Subscriptions are currently my main form of financial support.
You are not honoring yourself, me or my work by sharing them without permission.


We are creating the templates for our future now!

Enjoy this wild ride into the New.

Let's fearlessly LOVE with our whole beings!

Be constantly open to the Unexpected!

BE REAL, no matter what!