Powerful months often begin with a DISCONNECT - CONNECT when it feels like the plug is pulled out of the power source of the previous month. And so it is for March.... This disconnect process began on the last day of February. At our house in Peru, it even happened literally as well as energetically, when our electricity went out at 6:00 in the morning because they were changing a transformer. We had no electricity for thirteen hours and after that, no internet for the rest of the night.
We usually have a few days of being unplugged from the previous month before we are plugged into the new energies of the present month. These days are like Days Out of Time in which all the forward momentum we've been traveling on suddenly stops. We've been unplugged from our old energy source and are not yet connected with the new one. Then after a few quiet days of being on greatly diminished power, we are connected to a new, much stronger power source.
When we were finally reconnected to our power source this month, we weren't immediately connected to the full voltage of March; the power remains intermittent and of low voltage. This is happening so that we can gradually adjust to the rising voltage of March. If we were fully connected to the circuit at the beginning of the month, we might well get fried. As March progresses the amps of the energy will steadily increase until we are able to function in the supra charged currents of the New Reality.
March is a strong month of integrating and implementing the momentous changes we experienced during the MEGA RESET. These changes become the new foundation upon which we stand. And by doing this, we serve as living examples of of how to inhabit the New Reality.
March is an extremely active month of decisively moving forward and solidifying what we've already created. it's like returning home from a busy birth clinic with the newborn baby to discover how new and changed our life has become. It's an unpredictable month that is full of surprises, super intense and truly life changing.
If we haven't done it already, it's time to courageously forge a new path. Going into our True Direction is where we will unquestionably have the greatest success. It's time for utilizing bold innovation, untried new methods, unbridled creativity and wild inspiration, as we anchor more of our new, true vision into all aspects of our lives.
Many long standing projects will be brought to completion this month. Sticky unresolved situations either will now be brought to a new level or we will decide to completely walk away from them. Much fine tuning and refinement is taking place, both within us and in our outer environment. We are weighing everything on the scale of Trueness, and if it's not True, it is readily discarded.

Exciting new creative visions are being revealed, showing us what we couldn't see before. Many elements of the New Reality break through to the surface, like the first daffodils of spring which have long laid dormant under the snow. We can finally see what we've been planting for so long. We are greatly reassured that they are still alive and actually growing. It may not yet be the time of harvest, but it's the time of seeing some of the elements that will be part of our future harvest. And we like what we see! We not only see the exquisite beauty of what we've created, but now we have deepened enough and become true enough to more fully appreciate it.
March began with strong solar flares to get our attention, showing us the power of this month. This brilliant, wildly creative month contains a strong, almost explosive, bursting energy. The dam has broken and many of the hindrances which long held us back are swept away. We are bursting into vibrant aliveness, bursting into newness, bursting into greater Trueness, bursting into enhanced clarity, bursting into the freshness of the verdant New Landscape, bursting open, bursting free.
At the same time, there is the bursting open of previously calcified pockets of duality. In the outside world, there is a murky, science fiction, fear-based scenario which is trying to pull us into its distortion band, but we are bursting free and refuse to feed the illusions of duality any more.
Because of March's powerful bursting energy, there may well be some strong upheavals this month which could unexpectedly explode at any moment. Volcanoes, violence, political unrest, hidden scandals rising to the surface, etc. We also have to be ultra alert because there is the possibility of minor accidents, if we're not careful. No matter what happens, we won't be scared back into old fears. Instead we will hold onto the new settings for our True Lives.
The four months of MEGA RESET and the intensity of February's Three Leaps have also had the effect of creating lots of stress. Stress usually occurs when too many things come at us all at once from multiple directions in too short of a time period. The way through this stress is to focus on what is being created by our actions, rather than on the "I have way too much to do!" aspects of what we are doing.
Other challenges that we are dealing with are watching that we don't get stuck in the traps of "age", "social class" and "exhaustion". In truth we are timeless, eternal beings. When we start identifying ourselves as being a certain, fixed age, we lose some of our true nature. We lose the freedom of being open and undefined and we actually start to age.
The same is true of identifying solely with our social class. Social classes are far more prevalent in some cultures and countries than in others. When we start perceiving some people as "beneath" us and treat them with disrespect, we are actually lowering ourselves. This arrogant attitude doesn't make us superior; it just reveals areas where we still need to evolve.
Many of us are still feeling a deep tiredness. But this exhaustion is not our permanent or true state of being; it is a temporary condition. It is not who we really are. Even though some of us, especially First Waves, may feel a sense of profound weariness at times, it is not our natural way of being. The weariness comes from our journey. It comes from doing too many things at once. It comes from trying to survive in the duality world, while not being in our True Position. When we get into our True Position and center ourselves in the HERE and NOW, much of our weariness subsides. And even though some of us have been in non-stop action mode for a long time, it is possible to flip over our exhaustion into excitement and enthusiasm and actually have fun while immersed into birthing the New Reality.
Throughout March, it will feel as though we are flying through the air with both feet on the ground. The new energy will be palpable and vibrantly alive. It's time to take clear, decisive action to move deeper into our True Position. Let's implement the profound changes and heightened Trueness we've experienced into all areas of our lives. Let's go even deeper into the New Landscape and anchor the New Reality!

With True True Love,
With deep Gratitude and Love for the inspiration and brilliant insights of:
Carolyn, Denise, Emanaku, Inger, Jae, Maria, Rodaan