May is a month of course corrections, rerouting, action and forward movement. The forward movement is just starting to accelerate. As we near the Grand Convergence of June and July, many elements are starting to click into position. This Grand Convergence will not only bring us a gathering together with our right people and right places, but after that, a migration into our True Positions will begin in earnest.
There is a strong element of letting go within the course corrections taking place right now. This is especially true of relationships that have run their course, old jobs that are no longer fulfilling, as well as changes of the places where we've been living - some of us for a very long time. We are also releasing another layer of old habits, limited perceptions, outdated beliefs and expired ways of doing things.
There's a heightened sense of being in the Final Miles once again. As always during the Final Miles, there are times when we are overcome with a profound weariness, as if we simply cannot take another step. Yet we know that stopping is not an option. The only way through is to keep going until everything is done and in its right position. It's like giving birth to a baby; we cannot suddenly decide that we'd rather be doing something else. The baby has to come out; there is no other option, and we have to give this our full attention.
At the same time, we feel a growing excitement. This is because our Final Miles are interlaced with a powerful New Beginning. It's no longer, "Completing the old frees us for the New", but more like "Completing what is in front of us births the infrastructure of the New!". We are being set free from the past so we can go full speed into our True Direction, or if we're already there, to solidify, organize and refine what we've created so far. The next few months are the final pushes to a new birth.
We are continually going deeper into the New Landscape, even when we are too busy to notice it. Many of us feel a strong need for quiet so we can let go of some of the input we're constantly being inundated with and to integrate the new energies.
May will bring us some Choppy Surf, interspersed with periods of relative calm where everything flows smoothly. We will experience occasional twists and turns of the Unexpected as we surf multiple waves at once. There are also many set ups occurring, as elements stack up into almost impossible configurations. It's like a Perfect Storm, only there are so many of them that they don't stand out like they used to. It's more like a prevailing condition, rather than an isolated occurrence. It's Perfect Storm Season! All we can to is to try to stay as flexible as possible.
It happens like this: You need quiet time to write the Surf Report? And if you had another day of quiet tomorrow you could have it finished, but that's not going to happen because the exterior of your house is being painted at the same time. This means that there are workers, scaffolding and an ever present radio just outside your window. Oh, and now there's a loud tractor plowing the field next to your office. Good luck, writing it!!
All month long, many of us will experience a noticeable activation of our cellular memory banks. Some important pieces of information that we have long carried deep within ourselves in a dormant state will now come alive and be clearly seen. This will help us to align deeper with our vaster destiny or new True Purpose. As our cellular memory banks activate, windows open which show us glimpses of our new ways of being.
Numerous elements of our lives may appear messy and out of control. It feels like many things have been thrown up into the air in the great cosmic snow globe and are swirling around until they are ready to settle into their new positions. We don't need to grab at them to try to anchor them. Simply let them float around above us and when the time is right, they will assuredly find their new True Positions.
Many of us feel that something big could happen in May. Not just personally, but on a wider scale. There's the sense of huge alignment, of resolving our pasts and of resetting our internal compasses to our True Direction. We have landed in a New Reality and are learning how to function here and how to align ourselves to the new rhythm in a new type of flow with a different intensity. At the same time, in order for nature to follow the new rhythm, earth changes are taking place that we knew would come, because Mother Earth is transforming too.
And although we are well aware of the very real seriousness of the time we are in, there's a new element of playful joyousness that is now making itself felt. Such a needed sweetness, especially when it is inserted into situations which we don't generally regard as playful. This makes everything so much lighter.
Right now, humanity is experiencing a mass awakening on an unprecedented scale. Awakened humanity is on the march. We are starting to take responsibility in a natural, clean manner. We are joyfully stepping forward as True Ones into our True Directions. We are unleashing our creativity to birth a New World. We are coming together as One Being. We are building up a powerful momentum of LOVE for an extremely significant collective shift over the next few months. And we are finally discovering the deep fulfillment that comes when we fully live our Trueness.

With True True Love,
With deep Gratitude and Love for the inspiration and brilliant insights of:
Arbaline, Carlos, Carmen, Carolyn, Denise, Dian, Emanaku, Kalasara, Inger, Keenuane, Malcolm,
Maria, Merrilyn, Pam, Stephanie, Trinity, Yuliya