It has taken me awhile to come up with the correct words to describe the energies of this month. So here's the latest attempt:
With the
Activation of 5th Gate, we have reached a very new level.
This is a place where we haven't been before. The air is different;
it is filled with a deeper infusion of the Greater Reality. Each Gate
of the 11:11 is similar to entering a lock in a canal. The water rises
and we are transported to a new level before we can travel onwards.
5th Gate
has introduced a new dynamic. One of Consciously Choosing. The tables
of our lives have been cleared off energetically and now it's time to
consciously choose what goes on it.
This is
not like going in your home and sorting through stuff; rather it's the
discovery that the space has been totally cleared out and now it's up
to us to consciously choose what will go back in. This is true both
in our inner beings and in our outer lives.
5th Gate
cleared the space for us. It took away all the sticky adhesive of attachments.
From now on, things, people, places, situations, work, habits, etc.
are with us because we want them to be with us. We consciously choose
We now need
to consciously choose what we want in our lives. These choices must
be made from our hearts and from our joy rather than from old karmic
obligations or "shoulds" and "supposed to". It's
similar to renewing marriage vows. Right now, everything has been dissolved.
Yes, the old elements are still around us, but the attachment is gone.
We are free to consciously choose what we want and where we want to
go next in our lives.
So here
we are and now what do we do? It's not yet a time for moving forward
vigorously. That won't happen until we complete the consciously choosing
process. Rather, it's time to take a clear look at our present situation.
Where are we? Are we happy with where we are? Do we want to create changes
in our lives?
We need
to take stock of the people and places in our lives. Do they still fit
in with what we are now becoming? Do they resonate with our core beings?
Are we with the right people? Are we in the right place?
We can also
take a look at the activities which fill our days. Are they activities
which bring us joy and fulfillment? If not, how can we change them?
What new activities can we add to our lives which will bring us closer
to the lives that we truly want to live?
And then
we can observe our responses to life's situations. Are we being honest
and real? If not, how can we alter our responses so they can become
real? Do we still have areas where we are playing games or holding back
or being artificial? If so, then perhaps, we can now let these go and
consciously choose new ways of responding.
This is
all part of Personal Freedom which is the ability to respond in a truthful
and real manner to whatever comes up. It's giving ourselves permission
to live large and love large. It's the constant awareness of the ripples
which we send out through our actions, reactions, words, thoughts and
emotions to our One Being. How are we treating our One Being? Are we
just "doing our own thing" heedless of the effects this has
on the delicate balance of the One? Or are we sending out ripples of
love, compassion and understanding?
November is the month to:
See where you are right now.
See where you want to be.
See what needs completing and turn your attention to getting it completed.
Focus your attention on tying up loose ends.
See what you like and don't like about yourself and your life.
See what changes you need to make and start making them.
Let go of all judgments.
Develop compassion which is the ability to feel where others are coming from and embrace it all in a vaster understanding.
Be open to receive the hints and clues as to your next step.
choose what is real and true in your life.
choose where you want to go next.
choose who and how you want to be.
is the month of the great housecleaning. The shifting of elements into
their proper positions, the letting go of what is no longer appropriate
and keeping only what still resonates with us.
Some of
us may feel empty and detached for awhile as the stickiness of our attachments
drops away. We feel a deep, impersonal love towards everything, that
heightened sense of One Beingness. We are living in the One Heart, more
than ever before. Yet at the same time, there is a sense of supreme
detachment from all the personal elements in our lives. This is all
part of the process of Personal Freedom. Allow yourself to feel distant
from the elements around you. Simply put your focus back on yourself
and what is in front of you.
It's a month
when we can look at the parts of our beings which haven't fully developed
and take the necessary steps to strengthen them so we can become more
whole. What parts of our beings have been crying out for attention?
What can we do to nourish them? Look for the empty holes in your life,
then consciously choose to fill them. Focus on these empty places and
start finding ways to make them full.
The months
of November and December are essential to this process. After we have
consciously chosen what we wish to have in our lives, we will be ready
for some dramatic changes as we move closer to living the kind of lives
we have always wanted to live.
Solara 2002
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