October began with a powerful infusion of Quantum Deep that flattened many of us for several days. Whenever the flattening energy is this strong, it means that deep level changes are taking place. Once the flattening subsides, the Winds of Change will start blowing strongly, churning everything up for the rest of the month. During this time, we know that anything - everything can dramatically shift in an instant, moving in any direction. We really don't know what is going to happen next and there is no way to prepare for it. All we can do is constantly expect the Unexpected. And sometimes we may have to make big decisions on a second's notice.
I had a perfect example of the thorough repatterning taking place at my local supermarket. In May, they began an extensive renovation that was finally completed a few weeks ago. Each time that I would go there, a few more things were moved from where they used to be. Some items were moved to their new locations, while others would be stuck in strange, half hidden, temporary places. It became like going on a treasure hunt just to find your groceries. And it made me laugh because it was so similar to our lives these days. By the time, the store had its new grand opening last week, nothing was where it had been before!
Lots of random acts are taking place when we least expect them. At the same time, many little things are breaking down such as light bulbs burning out and batteries that suddenly need replacing or our internet connection stops working. What's interesting is that these breakdowns always happen at the times when we are the most overstretched and tired.
Since everything is susceptible to sudden and unexpected change, we really can't take anything for granted anymore. We must honor those worthy of honor and continually demonstrate our love to those closest to us. We also must let go of feeling responsible for other's personal choices.
PLEASE BE ULTRA ALERT AT ALL TIMES, as the possibility of both minor and major accidents is ever present during this time. I have a friend whose attention waned for one second while driving home and crashed his car into a telephone pole and another friend who sleepily got up in the middle of the night, stepped on a huge centipede and got a painful bite. I am really trying to be extra alert at all times, especially when driving my car, yet the other night I managed to get a deep cut on my finger doing something very normal and insignificant. This is why we have to be super careful and ULTRA ALERT! Automatic pilot served us well for many years, but we can't go around on automatic pilot anymore. This need for being ULTRA ALERT is important training for the future.
Since many people are going through a super difficult time right now. It's important that we actually listen to those asking for help. During some of the times when I really needed help, I called out to several people and very few actually heard me. Sometimes we just need someone to listen to our problems and be loving to us. Helping one another is one of the ways that we serve our One Being. We all need to expand our sensitivity and compassion to others. When I am super overstretched, without time to eat or sleep, the last thing I want is to have people complain that I haven't answered their email.
Another thing which is very necessary at this time is the constant purification and recalibration of our energetic fields. So much old energy is flying off of us and there is so much sticky debris flying around us, that we need to wash our hands and face several times each day; taking showers or going swimming will also help keep our energy clear. We also need to continually clear and recalibrate the energetic fields of our living space, like house cleaning, smudging with sage or other healing herbs, lighting candles, putting fresh flowers in your home, opening the windows for fresh air to enter or playing music. We need to keep fresh energy flowing so that it doesn't become stagnant. This will really help us stay true.

And now for the Good News!
Time is speeding up again and the days are passing by in a blur. Since time has also become very elastic, it can stretch out and then suddenly contract back upon itself like a rubber band. The months are flipping over like pages of a book left out in the wind. This makes it helpful for us when we can center our beings in the timelessness of No-Time. When we live in the Ultra Greater Reality, the flow of time is more expanded and eternal.
Throughout October, Windows into the New are opening, bringing us new information, new inspiration, new energy, new opportunities, new possibilities, new people and a surge of creativity. We will find new ways of expressing our creativity in our daily life, not just through special artistic endeavors. These windows into the New will get increasingly larger all month long.
We will also receive lots of validations of the new, emerging parts of our selves. We will make a giant step in balancing the inner and outer so they both truly reflect who we really are. The more we emerge as a True Authentic Being, the more positive a response we will receive, until we are finally seen as True Ones by other True Ones. This will make us feel really good about ourselves and all the work we have done to arrive at this point. It will enable us to continue on with a new lightness to our step.

I want to acknowledge and thank all of you Surf Subscribers for helping support me and my work. You are deeply appreciated!
PS. I have finally joined Facebook as Solara Eleven-Eleven if you would like to be my Friend.
In the September Surf Report, i mentioned that the Massachusetts State Senate had just passed a bill mandating vaccinations. Although I got this information from a reliable source, they have now sent out a retraction stating that this isn't true. I apologize for the incorrect information. This is an example of how much misinformation is floating around these days and how we have to be super discerning at all times.

Some people get upset when the Surf Reports aren't ready on the first day of each month. I usually need several days into the month to feel out the energies, understand what I am feeling and find the right words to describe it. It is not easy to map the Unknown. If the Surf Reports were based on astrology or were channeled, they would be much quicker to do. Your patience and understanding is always deeply appreciated.
Copyright Solara 2009
All Rights Reserved