October is a strong month of transition. It's a month of Falling Leaves and Planting Seeds - of Completion and New Beginnings merged together. Old wounds are coming to the surface to be healed while we are also having experiences of seeing the New and True manifest on the physical as never before. It's the autumn of our old lives and the spring of our True Lives.
Many things will get completed this month as we create and solidify the foundation of the New. We are finishing up many projects and preparing for what is to come. We are unhooking ourselves from our old lives and expired ways of doing things. We are reducing our baggage while preparing for changes that may require the ability to move quickly. At the same time, we are taking the needed steps to move forward into our new environment.
The Eclipse of the "Blood" Moon on September 27 - 28 brought in a strong infusion of totally new energies from the New Reality that added a new component to the air we breathe. This new component is resetting our personal and planetary matrixes. This is similar to installing an important upgrade to the operating system on a computer that has some new elements which we didn't have before. One aspect of these new elements is increased courage and the confidence to boldly move forward.
In October we will start getting used to the new upgrade of our operating system. We will experiment with new elements until we become familiar with them. Although many elements and situations may outwardly appear the same as they were before, they now feel quite different, for something in their very core has changed.
This shiftover to an enhanced operating system will help us move beyond many old situations as we are strongly called into our new environment. Throughout the month, numerous new options, opportunities and directions open up. We meet more of our new True People. We prepare ourselves to leave behind the previous cycle. It's the end of an era and the beginning of a new one!
As we increasingly unhook ourselves from the past cycle, we may experience a period of not knowing what comes next. This can be uncomfortable for some until we remember that our Heart's Knowingness is always leading us into our True Direction.
This month will bring us many shifts. Shifts of direction, shifts of habits, shifts in our jobs, deepening of our relationships and shifts into our True Purpose. The forward moving energies of 'A Mu'a are here again! We are finally getting some things done which we've wanted to do for a long time. These small victories feel wonderful.
October is also a time of refinement, both internally and externally. It's like we now have time to take stock of our progress and see more clearly how we are and who we are. We can also see the dust of the journey which we have accumulated. The nicks and bruises we have acquired along the way. The hidden corners of our lives which are full of dirt. All of this needs to be cleaned and healed. We have to move everything to a new level.
During this time, some situations may flip over unexpectedly. A good example of this was the Pope's visit to the United States. It was a great success and everyone loved him! Then came the news of his meeting with Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who has refused to give marriage licenses to gay couples. Suddenly, everything flipped over and the lovefest was replaced with disappointment. Whether or not this disappointment was based on truth or not, doesn't really matter; the damage was done. Nevertheless, these types of situations help remind us to remain ultra alert that everything is subject to dramatic change, at any moment. We cannot let go of our integrity or stray from our true path for a second. It's ON THE LINE time!
We may encounter small things that disrupt our old patterns. Here are some examples from my life: Over a month ago one of the pieces of the glass base of our dining room table came loose and broke. We went to buy a new piece of glass and discovered that the width of glass we need is not available in Peru. Since then, we have been trying to find brackets to connect the Peruvian width of glass, but they are also not available. Next, we will go to a metal worker and see if he can make new brackets. If that doesn't work, we will have to come up with a new solution in either wood or metal to hold the glass top of our dining table. So we have been eating on a small table in the art studio for over a month.
A similar type of disruption has affected our cats. They have always had their food dishes on the kitchen floor, but since we got a dog, their food has now been moved to our upstairs bathroom, a place where the dog cannot go. And they are definitely not happy about this.
These small changes in our lives are not really an improvement over how we did things before. They are simply temporary detours until we find a new solution. In the meanwhile, they are serving to break up old patterns.
While waves of people are continually leaving our lives, either through death or a gap in resonance, our connection with others is becoming deeper and more precious. It feels like we are reaching out and clasping their hands with a strong grip across the universe. We are all going through these super challenging times together. We are all One!
October is a month of being super ultra aware because we know, through aeons of experiences, that after so many changes the time has come to fully integrate these new energies into our daily lives. We now have to be completely clear about what we want, what we choose to give our energy to and what kind of new world we really are birthing. Each step we take helps us get into better alignment with our personal Trueness.
Birthing a New World isn't done overnight. But we can't give up; we can't allow ourselves to be in doubt anymore, to not trust ourself or others. We came here to birth a New Reality, and now WE ARE DOING IT. We are one big wave of consciousness birthing the New. If we put our complete focus on why we are here,we will have a magical October.
With True, True Love,
With deep Gratitude and Love for the inspiration and brilliant insights of:
Cristine, Denise, Emanaku, Inger, Keenuane, Lorrayne, Michael, Nina, Thomas

The Cards of AN

After twenty-four years, my Cards of AN have finally been published!
They are a magnificent, living, interactive tool to anchor the New Reality and are extremely effective.
It's like having your own personalized Surf Report!
The Cards of AN come with a 152 page book, plus four unique Card Decks
which give readings of stunning accuracy on multiple levels.
All are packaged in a beautiful handmade bag of handwoven Peruvian bayeta wool
with a silk brocade lining and smaller bag for the cards that is available in several colors.
I am very grateful to finally be able to share this wondrous tool with you.
You can order them here: http://an-mercado.nvisible.com/