From the very beginning, September feels much better than August. An extremely heavy energy has lifted. The Band of Distortion that affected us throughout August is gone. This doesn't mean that September will be calm or without challenges; it won't be. It will be full of massive, SWEEPING CHANGES - changes large and small, changes that affect many elements of our lives and the world we live in, Tsunamis of Change. And at times, this will be very challenging. Occasionally, we may be rocked to our foundation. Yet, we will be able to deal with whatever happens in a much smoother, more grounded manner than we could in August.
The energies of STOP. and GO! will change to SLOW DOWN and GO in September, but since we won't have the heavy density and Distortion Bands of August, it won't be as difficult to deal with. I have the feeling that the reason we've been experiencing this STOP and GO is because something else, which we can't quite see, is going on in the background, and this activity is making everything visible go slower.
It feels like some kind of big, heavy machinery is grinding away just out of sight. This huge machinery is in the process of moving from their old positions where they have been stuck for a very long time, into their new positions. It's this massive action in the background that makes everything seem to go slower in our outer lives. I know that here in Peru there are times when our internet is super slow and when we check it, huge downloads are being made, but not by us. As soon as we stop these downloads, our service speeds up.
There's also an additional component to action that we are experiencing in September. As we try to do things, we are discovering that many of the actions we make contain an extension or prolongation that is connected to it. It's like one of those expanding telescopes. We try to do an action, even a rather simple one, assuming it only has one part, only to find out that it has several hidden stages containing numerous interrelated actions which we didn't see before.
Here's an example from our life in Peru: We are finally ready to get our True Guardian / Gardener for the Heart of AN and have spent several weeks interviewing potential prospects. Yesterday, we finally decided which person we are going to hire. But it's not that simple. We just found out that in order to let go of our old guardian, we need to meet with a lawyer, write a paper officially letting him go, (even though we never had a work contract with him), get it signed by all parties and take it to be notarized, and then.... we can finally create a contract with the new guardian and make the changeover. Oh, and we need to pay our previous guardian one month's salary for each year that he worked for us! This is the new multi-staged, telescopic mode of action.
This new kind of action could be frustrating if we were just trying to get things done quickly. And even though we love the concept of doing things easily and quickly, the most important thing right now is to do things correctly. To do everything with love, trueness and integrity.
Since August, we've been walking on the razor's edge. We've learned, often the hard way, that each false step can be exceedingly uncomfortable and maybe even dangerous. Right now, we are in the Great Sifter of Trueness. The True Ones are rising while any untrue and expired duality-based energies are sinking to the bottom. Everything is absolutely ON THE LINE. We now know that each step we make has to be a true step in Right Time - Right Place or else it won't work. We can no longer compromise our integrity, either through our behaviors or by tolerating any untrue behaviors of others.
Everything that was upside down and perceived backwards during the past several thousand years is finally coming to its ultimate turning point so it can flip over into its True Position. This cannot be done without further chaos, even though we are present to make sure that the shift takes place as gently as possible. We can do this by keeping ourselves centered in the eye of the storm and consciously serving as bridges between duality and Oneness.
September is a "hold onto your hat" month with myriad possibilities and unexpected changes on level after level after level. We can also expect another wave of people we know to leave the planet. This makes it even more crucial to choose our True Life over old patterns. It's essential that we break free from the Sea of Distraction which keeps us from embodying our greatness and living True Lives. It's also a month where we really need to be ultra compassionate with each other, for only love can birth the New Reality.
The Sweeping Changes in September will be experienced by everyone on the planet, no matter what level of awareness each occupies. Often it feels like Time is a red hot coal that burns our hands. We can't touch it; we can't create enough free moments with it and we can't mold it.
September will allow us to see how far we have traveled and where our True Positions are now. We will see the new places from which we will live and work. This is exciting because our True Position brings with it the Blank Canvas of our new places, new people, new great loves, new experiences and heightened creative surges.
So much is absolutely ON THE LINE this month, but it feels like somehow we will make it through and we will birth the New Reality.
With Heart of AN True Love,
With deep Gratitude and Love for the inspiration and brilliant insights of:
Barbara, Denise, Dian, Elena, Emanaku, Inana, Inger, Keenuane, Lenita, Satreya, Yuliya

The Cards of AN

After more than twenty years, my Cards of AN have finally been published!
They are a magnificent, living, interactive tool to anchor the New Reality and are extremely effective.
It's like having your own personalized Surf Report!
The Cards of AN come with a 152 page book, plus four unique Card Decks
which give readings of stunning accuracy on multiple levels.
All are packaged in a beautiful handmade bag of handwoven Peruvian bayeta wool
with a silk brocade lining and smaller bag for the cards that is available in several colors.
I am very grateful to finally be able to share this wondrous tool with you.
You can order them here: