In November we began traveling through an intricate labyrinth in which it was almost impossible to get a clear view of our ultimate destination. For most of the month, the energies were surprisingly flat and the Surf appeared to be calm. This didn't mean that nothing was happening, but rather that the movement was occurring within the deepest strata of our beings, instead of on the outer surface. Actually, a monolithic shift of vast proportions was taking place that is changing us profoundly.
Most of our travels through the labyrinth take place off the map of the Known. Because of this, we must remain ultra open to any rerouting possibilities that present themselves and embrace the ones that feel true. Allowing ourselves to be rerouted is essential, for rather than meeting our Major Intersections on a direct trajectory, it is far more likely that a rerouting opportunity will lead us to our true direction.
Our present journey through the labyrinth requires that a certain precise sequence of events and places is encountered on the way to our true destination. There is no direct passage from Here to There. Just like entering the ancient sacred site of Avebury in England, the position where you enter the stone circle and in what order you follow the stones determines what you will experience.
We must move forward with courage and determination while being constantly aware to meet all situations with totally new, wide open responses. This will help us to step off the map of the Known. And it is off the map of the Known where we will find what we are most looking for. This is the realm of the Fulfillment of our Wildest Dreams.
Our journey through the labyrinth is a sacred quest to find our hidden treasures. These hidden treasures can appear in many forms. They could be material objects, new information, new skills, tools for our New Lives, profound revelations or connections with new people and places. These may be lasting connections or brief encounters. However, they manifest, they are deep triggers that propel us forward.
Most of the time, we don't know what specific things we are looking for until we find them. Once we do, something huge clicks into position. A key cog on the Wheel of Destiny turns and a new opening is revealed. Each time that this happens, it moves us closer to a Major Intersection.
It's as if we each have a list of unusual tasks to do, of people and places to connect with and specific objects to obtain. Each time this happens, we get a stamp on the passport into our New Lives. When enough stamps are obtained, we obtain clear passage into the New and True.
I just experienced this while traveling through the labyrinth in five European countries throughout November. Most of the hidden treasures that I acquired were previously unknown to me. In a small village on a Greek island my hidden treasure took the form of being irradiated with a special hue of blue. In Croatia, I passed through the doorway of a physical labyrinth and got a bottle of special mistletoe brandy from a mystical hilltop village. In Venice, I received my lion. In Spain, I found the jewels in the crown and experienced a Major Intersection. And much more....
This treasure quest is a pilgrimage of mythical proportions. We can make our pilgrimage wherever we currently are. We don't need to travel to distant lands, although many are being called to do this. Just follow the Compass of your Heart and it will lead you in your truest direction. What is important is that we consciously begin our sacred treasure quest. It's essential that we do so, as soon as possible. Our fullest efforts must be put into completing this quest; for there is not only much to gain, but there is also much to lose. Gathering together our hidden treasures will take us to our New Lives and keep us from getting stuck in the Band of Distortion which encircles the Lotus World.
We are in a time that contains numerous profound revelations of the newly expanded doorways within our existing mythology. Each time that we access an expanded doorway, we reach a new level and our being noticeably becomes vaster. The myths of the past are revealing new, previously unseen, dimensions and depths, merging our personal and collective history so that a totally new road is illuminated for us to travel.
During this time, many of us are rewalking the ancient pathways to new destinations. One of the key pathways opening up right now is the Path of the Lion. This is because of the deep connection between the Lion and the Lotus. The Lotus holds the resonance of Purest, Truest Love and the Lion guides us into the Lotus World.