October is a strong 'A Mu'a month in which many things will noticeably move forward. Although we will be super busy all month, the intensity levels will not be as wildly off the charts as during the past few months. This doesn't mean that October will be uneventful and calm. But we will frequently be plunged into a super strong state of Quantum Deep while much needed rebalancing and integration takes place.
All month long, a steady progression of elements, including us, are moving ever closer towards their right positions. At the same time, there is a continual strengthening and solidifying of everything that is already in its new position.
October brings us a powerful surge of Ho'o Pono Pono. Many of us feel compelled to Make Things Right on level after level. As we increasingly inhabit our ever expanding New Landscape, we are finally ready to let go of any subconscious motivations, emotional crutches, limiting beliefs, hidden pockets of fear, self-sabotage and old ways of doing things.
When these expired elements come up, it's important that we face them honestly and see them for what they really are, stripped of all disguises. If we have resistance to facing them or if we are still being influenced by fears and doubts, these encounters will feel like harsh confrontations and might be challenging to deal with. If we are open and willing to do whatever is needed to move everything to greater Trueness, we will be able to finally remove from our personal matrixes the things that have held us back from fully being True and Real.
Because of this, October gives us myriad opportunities to make Quantum Breakthroughs. Our modes of suppressing the hidden emotions lodged in our subconscious with food, drugs, cigarettes, chocolate, alcohol and outdated spiritual practices want to be released. This is why we are now seeing them with fresh clarity. This sets those hidden emotions free to fly away to their true homes, which are not, and have never been, within us. We don't want to, and we simply cannot, carry any of this old residue into our True Lives.
We really want to complete unresolved situations and projects and move forward. We want to heal, transform, deepen or release our existing relationships. We want to close the door to our old ways of being. We want to be totally free and unencumbered by old behaviors and untrue perceptions so we are free to begin something completely new with our full beings. We want to live True Lives as True Ones in our True Homes with our True People while fulfilling our True Purpose.
We are now immersed in a powerful current that is pushing us to the Finish Line of our old road. We not only cannot get out of this rushing water; but we don't want to. Swimming in this strong current is absolutely perfect for us right now. And we know that we really need to complete this final sprint to the end of the dying duality-based reality.
During this time, everything is becoming more real, or at least our view of things is getting more real. There's something about the wildness and intensity and the bashing against rocks in the rushing current of our Final Miles that is just what we need. It's scraping off layers of old habits, outdated beliefs and years of struggle and tears. The barnacles of illusion that have long encrusted our beings are loosening their hold upon us and falling away.
Much is going on right now. We are in the midst of unprecedented changes that are affecting everything. We are squeezing the lemon of our beings to extract all the juice so we can get real and ultra True, becoming clear embodiments of PURE TRUE LOVE. At the same time, the world of duality is messily collapsing all around us. This is when we need to constantly remember what is REALLY going on in the vaster picture. This enables us to see things very compressed and very vast at the same time. We have to keep our broader overview on completing our Final Miles, while simultaneously putting our full attention into the present moment of the HERE and NOW.
Many elements of our lives feel both ultra real and surreal at the same time. This is happening because we are now aligning our beings with a greatly expanded landscape. This mixture of the real and surreal keeps us from getting lost in the multitude of things happening all around us. Urgent situations requiring our immediate attention show up in our lives at what we think is the worst, most inconvenient time imaginable. Yet these opportunities are exactly what we most need right now. They couldn't be more perfect.
There's the strong feeling that things which have long been stuck are finally moving forward with a heightened surge of 'A Mu'a which has now burst into full physical manifestation. These may be elements that actually were stuck or elements that we just perceived were stuck. It really doesn't matter, because the feeling of stuckness has been suddenly removed. A rusty wheel frozen into its old position has been oiled and now turns effortlessly; a gear that was snagged on an obstruction, has now been set free to move into its correct position.
Throughout it all, there is a pervasive undercurrent of Death and Birth that permeates everything. Everything is extra highlighted and intense, both what comes up to leave and also our own connection to our Trueness. This is because everything feels so ultra real and On the Line. Many of us are feeling a deep sense of poignancy. We are so close to the end of an era. We are nearing the completion of our lengthy journey through duality. The last 11:11 Activation approaches. Fleeting memories from random moments of our entire journey come forth and touch us deeply. But we cannot hold onto them, for they need to dance lightly through our beings, before dissolving into dust. As our memories depart, we feel freer, but we're not always sure of how to act and be in this new realm.
A noticeable deepening is taking place due to the enhanced realness of the time we are in. This deepening is happening within us, within our close relationships, in our perceptions of life and even with those whom we casually interact with in our daily life. Part of this deepening is caused by the continual shattering of old beliefs. When this occurs, we need to be aware that what is being shattered is another layer of illusion that we have long been covered with.
Time is zooming along. 2012 is passing by in a blur. It's incredible that there are only three months left of this year. This compression of Time helps make the shocking events of the current world situation feel distant and surreal. And as soon as today becomes yesterday, it feels like it has been erased.
Sometimes these final steps of our Final Miles on our old road through duality feel like some of the hardest and most challenging ones we have ever taken. It's easy to get Final Mile fatigue, especially for First Waves who cannot let go of the past. This is when we feel that we absolutely cannot take another step. We want to throw ourselves on the ground and give up. This giving up when we are almost at the end of the old road is the repetition of a very old and expired pattern that needs to be released. For this is exactly the moment when we need to reach into the very core of our being and pull out our true strength so we can continue on with courage and confidence. A successful outcome to our lengthy journey is NOT hopeless and out of our reach. We are so close to birthing a totally new world.
Each step of our Final Miles is sacred. Each step is vitally important. Every step must be taken with our full awareness. With each step we make, we are walking out of duality and stepping deeper into enhanced Trueness and Love.
This massive completion of the old is happening simultaneously with a brilliant New Beginning that is far Beyond our Wildest Dreams. There is a profusion of elements which are now being born. This is exciting, inspiring and fun! If we are able to remember this, our final sprint to the Finish Line of the old road will become lighter, more joyful and more fulfilling with each step.