The Activation of the Fifth Gate of the 11:11

The Gate of Personal Freedom!

The Fifth Gate Ndex
A complete listing of all 5th Gate related pages on this website.

With profound gratitude to all those who helped activate the Fifth Gate of the 11:11 in 2002.

We welcome reports and photos from all those who participated in the 5th Gate Master Cylinder & Anchor Groups!

The 5th Gate Master Cylinder Photo Journey

Solara's Report from the 5th Gate Master Cylinder:
Reports from the 5th Gate Master Cylinder Group:
5th Gate Master Cylinder Photo Index
5th Gate Master Cylinder Photo Index 2

Reports from the 5th Gate Anchor Groups: Part One
Reports from the 5th Gate Anchor Groups: Part Two
Reports from the 5th Gate Anchor Groups: Part Three

Reports from the 5th Gate Anchor Groups: Part Four
Reports from the 5th Gate Anchor Groups: Part Five
Photos from Jeronimo's 5th Gate Anchor Group in Argentina
Photos from Josefina's 5th Gate Anchor Group in Argentina
Reports from the 5th Gate Anchor Groups: Part Six

The Activation of the 5th Gate of the 11:11 & the Master Cylinder in Hawai'i:
The Making of a Master Cylinder

Thank you for joining with us as One Being to activate the 5th Gate!
The Anchor Groups for other than the actual 11:11 Gate Activation are no longer available. Find a worldwide listing and very helpful information about the actual Anchor Groups here:

Anchor Group Directory
The 11:11 Sacred Dances:
The Starry Processional
La Danza Procesion Estelar: (en español)
The Earth-Star Dance
La Danza Tierra-Estrella: (en español)
Photos of the Dance of the Four Elements at the 4th Gate Activation
Photos of the Insertion Point Dance at the 4th Gate Activation


The 11:11 Doorway: The starting point for information on the 11:11
The Activation of the First Gate of the 11:11
The Eleven Gates
The Second Gate of the 11:11
The Third Gate Index
The Third Gate of the 11:11
The Fourth Gate Ndex:
The Fourth Gate of the 11:11
The Fourth Gate Master Cylinder Reports

THE 11:11 TOUR: Take a Photo Journey of 5th Gate