It's important to
stay focused on what the 7th Gate Activation is about: SEEING THE UNSEEN.
This means that we could well experience the dissolving of the veils
and a strong infusion of the Greater Reality. This Activation will definitely
be a time of enhanced insights and revelations.
also has to do with altering our perceptions and responses. For the
past several months we have been in a heightened Zone of Overlap in
which the past and future are superimposed onto the present. This has
given us a tremendous opportunity to repattern our pasts. We do this
by having our future selves deal with past situations, issues and patterns
in totally new ways. As each old pattern comes up, we can meet it with
new responses born of our expanded perceptions. This affects and alters
the very core of our old patterns, thus changing its harmonic resonance
so it can send a different sequence of ripples and waves to our present
moment. This is how we become forever free of the old patterns.
opens the previous locked doors to our perceptions, we will increasingly
be able to see the larger picture and step free of the limitations and
misunderstandings of the past.
The time leading
up to the 7th Gate Activation will present us with many challenges in
these areas. Many old situations and issues will be thrown in our faces
so we can see them with expanded perception and deal with them in totally
new ways. If we have successfully done this, the 7th Gate Activation
itself will catapult us deeper into the Greater Reality. We will feel
like we are waking up from a long sleep and have finally come to our


This dance was a
key part of the 6th Gate Activation and it feels like it's still an
appropriate part of 7th Gate since it has to do with the further activation
of our One Being.
There is no set
formula for this dance as each Anchor Group can create their own way....
1. In the center
of your sacred space, visualize a large CIRCLE OF THE EARTH....
2. See all the struggles
and drama taking place within it. The polarization of duality, the violence,
wars and suffering.
3. Feel the profusion
of Nature with all the plants, animals, oceans, rivers, rocks, mountains,
winds, etc. You can also be aware of the onslaught to our natural environment
that is taking place at this very moment. The clearing of forests, the
pollutants going into the air, the chemicals flowing into our pristine
waters, the dying out of entire species.
4. Feel all the
beings inhabiting this Earth. You can feel their courage and their hearts
so wanting to love and be loved. You can also feel the fear which is
insidiously creeping through everything, the feelings of uncertainty,
hopelessness and insecurity. This is a planet with too many broken hearts
and a deep feeling of disconnection, of separation from the One.
5. Outside the THE
CIRCLE OF THE EARTH in the center of your sacred space is an even larger,
empty circle which is THE CIRCLE OF ONE BEING.
If you want
to, you can even draw these circles on the floor or outline them with
sand or stones.
6. Now it is time
for each person to make their own individual, conscious decision
to stand in THE CIRCLE OF ONE BEING. No-one should move into this circle
unless they make a real commitment to be there. (11:11 Activations
aren't play-acting; they are real.)
7. As each person
who chooses to moves into THE CIRCLE OF ONE BEING, they open into the
One Heart by doing the One Heart mudra. (See the GO
for instructions.)
If anyone in
your group doesn't choose to stand in THE CIRCLE OF ONE BEING, they
can stand on the outside as a Guardian.
8. After everyone
is in THE CIRCLE OF ONE BEING, it's important to really feel the alignment
OF ONE BEING, acting as ONE, consciously chooses to step inside THE
CIRCLE OF THE EARTH. This is a significant event for it symbolizes our
conscious choice to take responsibility by anchoring ONENESS.
(If you like,
you can do this in the form of a dance, perhaps using the Starry Processional
as the dance inside the Earth.)
10.As our ONE BEING
enters the EARTH, rippling waves are sent to the center of the planet.
11. Once these rippling
waves reach the STAR in the center of the EARTH, an activation takes
place and waves start rippling outwards. The EARTH has both ingoing
and outgoing waves rippling through it.
12. These double
helix waves create a conversion / inversion zone wherein THE DOORWAY
OF THE 11:11 turns itself inside out and reveals the second half of
our journey through it.


The 7th Gate Activation
is very REAL. All the 11:11 Activations are VERY REAL. If you are at
all receptive, you will definitely feel it. We are going to experience
some very powerful energies during Activation of 7th Gate and it's best
if we are prepared for them.
Most of the people
who have participated in an 11:11 Master Cylinder, and many of those
who participated in 11:11 Anchor Groups, have described them as one
of the most powerful experiences of their lives.
The Seventh Gate
Activation is going to be one of the strongest 11:11 Activations and
will propel us onto whole new levels.
Anything can happen!
Absolutely anything. And this makes it our challenge to remain focused
on what we are doing (Activating the 7th Gate!) throughout our Activation
Ceremony. We all need to be vigilant that we are not distracted off
our focus. Even if the earth shakes, the rain falls, the lights go out,
we must continue on with our 7th Gate Activation Ceremony until it is
At some point, our
7th Gate Activation Ceremony's energies may go off the map of the known
into the Unknown. This happens frequently at the Master Cylinder. If
this happens to your Anchor Group, remember to stay strongly anchored
in Oneness, no matter what. We must remember stay in our Love at all
times. And constantly strengthen our One Being.
During an 11:11
Activation it is quite "normal" for the unexpected to occur.
We are bringing in New Energies after all. New means something that
we didn't know before. And since this is the Midway Point of the entire
Doorway of the 11:11 in which the 11:11 will be turning itself inside
out, it means that we will be going off the map of what we have known
There may be surprises.
There may be surges of energy. There may be visions. There may be heightened
clarity. Whatever happens.... it's important that we stay grounded and
focused and STRONGLY IN OUR ONE BEING. We need to remain open to the
unexpected and allow ourselves room to be spontaneous in the midst of
our focus.
The most important
thing to remember is that 11:11 Gate Activations are FUN! It feels so
fantastic to be able to openly be ourselves and to inhabit our One Being
and make great positive changes which will affect the entire planet.
All material copyrighted 1989 - 2009 by Solara. All rights reserved.