Food and water to share
White clothing and colourful pareos, sarongs and scarves
Warm, protective layers of clothing
Items to recalibrate and decorate Activation site such as fresh flowers.
Sacred Dance music and world music
Cd player, iPod (with speakers) or laptop to play music
World map with stickers on the locations of the Master Cylinder and all the Anchor Groups.
Blankets, mats or pillows to sit on.
Tarps for sound equipment (in case of rain or lots of sun)
Print out of all 8th Gate: Part 2 information, especially the Keynote for 8th Gate, 11:11 Sacred Dances, the “GO”, and Guardian information.


Throughout your ceremony, it's vitally important to stay focused on what the 8th Gate Activation is about: TRUE LOVE TO THE CORE
The Lotus Heart is beyond the level of our One Heart and will be our New Foundation upon which all our future endeavors shall be built. The Lotus Heart is also the core dynamic of our new emotional body and represents the merger between our most intimate personal desires and fulfilling our true purpose by serving the One.
As we enter the sublimely subtle Lotus World, we will be immersed by the strongest infusion of purest, True Love that we have ever felt. Everything will change at a core cellular level and we will enter the realm of RIGHT TIME – RIGHT PLACE where we can fulfill our Wildest Dreams.


No matter what happens during an 11:11 Activation, the Guardians always remain Larger than the activities in the center.
At every 11:11 Activation you will see some powerful beings standing around the perimeters of our sacred space. These Guardians are here to serve as stabilization pinions for the Template of Oneness. They are here to anchor the Ultra Greater Reality and protect the sacredness of our gathering. The importance of having Guardians cannot be overstated. Guardians provide us with a stable, vastly heightened energy field.
8th Gate Guardian Instructions


The focus of your Anchor Group during 8th Gate Activation is to align as One Being with the Master Cylinder and other Anchor Groups around the world to birth and anchor the new matrix of ONE TRUE LOVE.
Throughout the 8th Gate Activation Ceremony, it's vitally important that you stay totally aligned with the Master Cylinder at Lake Titicaca, in Peru and Bolivia. Consciously feel our presence with you in the Heart of the Lotus at all times. Our Master Cylinder will be constantly sending you waves upon waves of powerful, concentrated the 8th Gate energies of PURE HEART TRUE LOVE. The more aligned you are with the Master Cylinder, the stronger you will feel it. It is then your job to anchor the new 8th Gate energies into the Earth and expand them outwards to the furthest corners of the world.
The 8th Gate Activation is going to take us totally off the map of the known like never before, far into the uncharted realms of the deeper Invisible known as the Lotus World. The Master Cylinder will strongly feel the immense energy of all the Anchor Groups, and your focused intent and Love will totally support us and keep us anchored. We are immensely grateful for this, for it enables us to find the necessary strength to activate this monumental 8th Gate. During the 8th Gate: Part 1 Master Cylinder Activation ceremony, many Anchor Groups became so vast that they were serving as our Guardians making our connection even stronger.
It's also important to remain constantly aware of the other Anchor Groups all over the world. Together, we all form One very Vast Being and the more consciously aware your Anchor Group is of this, the more effective our One Being will be.
At the 11:11 Master Cylinders we always read aloud the location of every single Anchor Group all over the planet at the start of our Activation Ceremony. As we do, we can feel all of you joining with us as One. It is a powerful beginning to our Activation as everyone steps into their appointed positions. And we are ready to begin....
It is very important that you also read out loud the newest Master List of all the 8th Gate: Part 2 Anchor Groups during the beginning of your ceremony too, so we can all consciously align together.
8th Gate Master List of Anchor Groups Worldwide
(This list will be updated daily until the morning of the Activation.)


At our 11:11 Master Cylinders, we never have a set schedule of activities. We spend a week of intense preparations learning the Sacred Dances and various other processes to bring us into a strong, clear One Being. On the day of the Activation Ceremony, we are wide open to go with the flow and follow the energy.
We usually begin by creating gateways of two people facing each other and the people enter one by one by doing the mudras for all the previous Gates. As they pass through the gateway, they become a second gateway. And on it goes until our entire Master Cylinder group becomes a gateway.
Forming a huge circle, we open the Lotus Heart and listen to a song by Omashar or another musician. Next, the list of Anchor Groups all over the world is read out loud, so we can feel their presence and align with them as One Being.
Usually the first dance we do is the Starry Processional because it's the one dance that has been danced at all the 11:11 Activations. After that, anything can happen...
Sometimes the entire ceremony flows smoothly and suddenly it's over. We've been there eight or more hours and it feels like it has just begun.
Other times, challenges can come up or the energies can suddenly go flat. That's when our training of the past week is essential, when we need to quickly pull together our One Being and take it to another level. And this is when it really helps to have your entire beings fully present and wide open.
During almost every 11:11 Gate Activation, there will be at least one time (and often way more than one) in which the energies suddenly go off the map of the known and we are thrust into a very powerful and pure immersion into the Ultra Greater Reality. Most of the time this happens when it’s not possible to remove someone from whatever we're doing and to announce what is happening and what we should do next. This is when the One Being must take over. And if our One Being isn't functioning very well, it can be a disaster. But when it is strong and clear, there is such magnificence; it's totally beyond words as we create the new pathways into the previously uncharted realms of the deeper Invisible. These moments of fully inhabiting the Invisible while in physical form are beyond amazing.
The actual Activation of the Gate can happen at any time, almost always when we least expect it. (See the Second Gate Guardian story.) When the new Gate energies enter the planet through the Master Cylinder, everyone present can unquestionably feel it.
The same is true for the Anchor Groups - if you remain open and aligned with the Master Cylinder and with all the other Anchor Groups forming our One Being, you will definitely feel it when the 8th Gate energies reach you. This is one of the reasons it's so worthwhile to align your group with the exact times of the Master Cylinder. And when the 8th Gate energies come to you, then it's your job to anchor them into the earth and send them all over the planet.
We have no set time in which our Activation Ceremony is over. It just suddenly becomes obvious that it's complete. We all can feel it. And often there are still dances or activities that we would like to do, but the Ceremony is complete.


It is better to have no set schedule for your Anchor Group, but rather a prepared list of possible activities. This would include some of the 11:11 Sacred Dances, your own unique Dance of the Elements and any other activities you feel are appropriate; then you are ready to surf your way through the Activation.
TRUE LOVE IS THE KEY FOR 8TH GATE. So remember to establish a strong resonance of PURE HEART LOVE before your ceremony begins. Bring in the LOVE in whatever ways you can. Get your entire group to leap into the Sea of Love and splash it around.
Many Anchor Groups don't follow these guidelines, preferring to "do their own thing". This is quite alright as there is much diversity within our One Being. However, it's also important to remember that there is a tremendous power in our focused intent. If we all consciously align as One and if we all do the Starry Processional Dance, for example, it makes everything we do even stronger. The choice is up to you!
Here are a few elements that you should incorporate into your 8th Gate: Part 2 Ceremony if at all possible.
Have everyone wear white (with colorful accents if desired).
Put your Guardians into position.
Everyone, including the Guardians, should simultaneously do the GO and align as One Being.
Constantly stay aligned with the Master Cylinder.
Read aloud the newest Anchor Group Master List and align with the other 8th Gate Anchor Groups as One Being.
Do the GO whenever grounding and refocusing is needed.
Dance the Starry Processional as it will bring in the energies of all the previous 11:11 Gate Activations and weave them into the present moment. This dance is far more powerful if you dance it to its proper music.
Dance your unique Dance of the Elements.
Dance the Lotus Dance as it aligns with the sublime, subtle energies of the Lotus World.
Once your 8th Gate Activation Ceremony begins, stay in the LOVE, and constantly hold the energy and focus, even during any rest breaks.


The 8th Gate Activation is going to be VERY REAL. If you are at all receptive, you will definitely feel it. We are going to experience some of the most intensely powerful LOVE we have ever felt during the Activation of 8th Gate and it's best if we are prepared for it.
Most of the people who have participated in an 11:11 Master Cylinder, and many of those in 11:11 Anchor Groups, have described them as the most powerful and profound experience of their lives.
The 8th Gate Activation is going to be the strongest 11:11 Activation since the original Opening of the 11:11 Doorway in 1992 and will propel us onto indescribable new levels.
Anything can happen! Absolutely anything. And this makes it our total priority to remain focused on what we are doing (Activating the 8th Gate: Part 2 and anchoring the new matrix of One True Love!) throughout our Activation Ceremony. We all need to be vigilant that we are not distracted off our focus. Even if the earth shakes, the rain falls, the lights go out, we must continue on with our 8th Gate Activation Ceremony until it is absolutely complete.
During the 8th Gate Activation, we will definitely go off the map of the known into the Unknown. This happens frequently at the Master Cylinder. If this happens to your Anchor Group, remember to stay strongly anchored in Oneness and hold the resonance of Pure Heart Love, no matter what.
During an 11:11 Activation it is quite "normal" for the unexpected to occur. We are bringing in Quantum New Energies. New means something that we haven't experienced before.
There may be surprises. There may be surges of sublimely powerful LOVE. We may experience the cracking open of our hearts, and the influx of PURE, TRUE LOVE like we have never felt before on this planet. Whatever happens, it's important that we stay grounded, focused and STRONG IN OUR ONE BEING. We need to remain open to the unexpected and allow ourselves room to be spontaneous in the midst of our concentrated focus.