This book is about the New Reality being born.
About grounding our vastness
into our physical bodies
and becoming Vibrantly Alive!

Learning not only how to love,
but to BE LOVE.

This is a guidebook into the unexplored realms of the Invisible,
an entry point into a new map and your passport to travel there.

A New World is being born.
The membranes to this Ultra Greater Reality
are dissolving at this very moment.

The doorway is open before you....

LIVE LARGE is an amazing book containing 33 new Keys to the Invisible,
an Ultra Greater Reality Troubleshooting Guide
and lots of practical insights on how to Live Large.

ISBN# 1-8782-32-1 Price: $15.95
Second Edition published October 1996

Status: This book is currently available and is well worth reading!

Solara says: "In my newest book, I have tried to explain the unexplainable and shared many Keys to the Invisible which are useful tools for exploring the Unknown. LIVE LARGE is my most practical book & often quite funny. Our next challenge is to become REAL... Living Large wherever we are."

Read a sample chapter of "How to LIVE LARGE on a Small Planet.


Star-Borne Products


The Legend of Altazar
EL*AN*RA: The Healing of Orion
How to Live Large on a Small Planet
Invoking Your Celestial Guardians