Highly recommended Astrology Books
Here are reviews of some of favorite books which have been an important part of my journey.
They are all worthwhile, but I've also rated them from four to six stars.
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Astrology for Lovers: Liz Greene
List Price: $12.95
Our Price: $10.36
You Save: $2.59 (20%)
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One of the great astrological handbooks which tells you things about yourself that you didn't think anyone else knew, with penetrating insights into relationships. Find out all about your relationship patterns and your affinities and challenges with the other astrological signs.
Astrology of the Soul: Jan Spiller
List Price: $15.95
Our Price: $12.76
You Save: $3.19 (20%)
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This book is full of penetrating insights and useful tools to finally master and transform old patterns. It deals with the position and karmic lessons of the nodes of our moon. It tell us what patterns we came into this life with and what we need to do to transform them. It is useful, practical and stunningly accurate!
Karmic Astrology Vol 1: The Moon's Nodes & Reincarnation: Martin Schulman
List Price: $7.95
Our Price: $6.36
You Save: $1.59 (20%)
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Another book on the nodes of the Moon and our karmic lessons. It is full of great insights and sometimes brutal truths about ourselves.Karmic Relationships: Martin Schulman
List Price: $7.95
Our Price: $6.36
You Save: $1.59 (20%)
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"How often do we find ourselves in relationships that echo the past, that recapitulate familiar, but destructive patterns?" Schulman takes a planet by planet look at relationships using a karmic lens, and shows how a planet in your chart relates to a planet in your partner's chart. For those who believe that the way we love is the most important measure of the way we live, this book offers new tools which can help sustain us on the path to inspired, delightful, abiding love.
Pluto: Evolutionary Journey of the Soul: Jeff Green & Alan Oken
List Price: $15.00
Our Price: $12.00
You Save: $3.00 (20%)
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An insightful look at Pluto, the planet of transformation and how it personally affects us.
The New Astrology: A Unique Synthesis of the World's Two Great Astrological Systems: Suzanne White
List Price: $15.95
Our Price: $12.76
You Save: $3.19 (20%)
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This book combines Western and Chinese Astrology and tells you a lot about yourself.
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