Adrian Wagner: The great great grandson of composer Richard Wagner.The site is supportive of both Grail and Gnostic tradition. He uses ancient harmonics that were banned by the establishment churches in the middle ages as well as Sacred Geometry in his compositions.
Jim Berenholtz: Composer, ethnomusicologist & snake dancer!
Amethystium: New Age music where you can listen to whole CDs.
Celesttina Hart: The heavenly music of a soul's journey.
Deva Premal & Miten: Beautiful, inspiring music with an Indian flavor!
Elariul: Erik Berglund's beautiful harp music.
Harmonic World: The Universe of Harmonic Awareness. Harmonic chants, throat singing with David Hykes.
Healing Sounds: Jonathan Goldman's site on how sound can be used for healing and transformation.
Kailash Kokopelli: Inner World Music.
Kitaro: The gifted Japanese musician.
Nick Davis Music: Australian ambient musician.
Oliver Shanti: Deep, multi-leveled, inspiring world fusion music.
Omashar: A gifted musician, singer / songwriter, & friend, whom I've worked with for years.
Ray Oliver: Inspiring music from a gifted Australian Musician.
Sarah McLachlan: World on Fire: Listen to a free video that serves the planet.
Spiral Light Recordings: Ambient music from several musicians.
Calabash Music: Download hard to find World Music for $.99 per song!
Cranky Crow World Music: Reviews and listings of world music. 
Deva Premal & Miten: Beautiful, inspiring music with an Indian flavor!
World Music Central: Portal for World Music News.
Ancient Winds: Andean flute group based in California.
Entheosound: Don Wright is a keeper and maker of Peruvian whistling vessels.
Inti-Illimani: Master Andean musicians from Chile.
Los Calchakis: One of the first & most well known of the Andean musicians.
Music from the Andes: Huge site of Andean Music.
Pachamama: Andean music group from Yugoslavia. Free mp3 downloads!
Peruvian Whistling Vessels: Daniel Statenkov's fascinating site.
The Quena: Lessons on how to play the traditional Andean flute.
Paraguayan Melodies: Music of Paraguay
Vin Argentin: Pro Andean music store in Argentina. Good source for hard to find music.
Aboriginal Art & Culture Centre: Has online didgeridoo lessons and sells didges. Learn from the source.
Didgeridoo Medicine Man: Australian Phil Jones plays amazing didge, does vibrational sound therapy, has several CDs & sells authentic Aborigonal didgeridoos!
Didgeridoo University: Online didge lessons!
Yothu Yindi: Popular Aboriginal music group from Australia.
Antion: Although he's not Hawaiian, his Hawaiian chants really resonate.
Eion Duignan: Talented Irish composer / musician on low whistles & Uilleann pipes.
Luka Bloom: Extremely talented Irish singer / songwriter whose CD "From the Mountains to the Moon" is not to be missed!
3rd Mesa: Featuring the Hopi reggae of Casper Lomayesva.
Bunny Sings Wolf: Folk songs from the Paha Sapa, Black Hills.
Canyon Records: The largest Native American record label.
Carlos Nakai: The great Native American flute master plays Amazing Grace.
Gale Revilla: Native American New Age music!
Joanne Shenandoah: Native American recording artist.
Native Radio.com: Native American internet radio station.
Qua'Ti'Si': Female Cree Indian singer with a powerful voice.
Robert Mirabal: Native American musician / singer / songwriter / dancer and multi-media artist from Taos Pueblo. Listen to his great CD "Mirabal". Highly recommended!
Maori Music.com: Huge source of modern & traditional Maori music.
Matato'a: Great Rapa Nui music group!
Te Vaka: Great Polynesian music group from several islands including Aeotearoa.
Nawang Kechog: Tibetan flute master.
International Association of Harmonic Singing: Khoomei.com has throat singing lessons & tips from Tuva & Mongolia.
Kongar-ol Ondar: Master throatsinger from the land of Tuva.
The Tuva Trader: Tuva music & musical instrument from northern Mongolia. Great nose flutes!
Canyon Records: The largest Native American record label.
Cranky Crow World Music: Reviews and listings of world music.
Invincible Music: Music from the Heart for the Soul, includes Yoga music, Singh Kaur & Native American.
Kismana Music: CDs by independent Australian musicians with samples of their work.
Makoche: Music company featuring both contemporary & traditional Native American music & spoken word.
Prabhu Music: Where music and silence meet, featuring Deva Premal, Miten and other global musicians.
Shanti Records Features the amazing music of Oliver Shanti and other world fusion music.
Kiwicelt: Martin Doyle's wooden flutes. 
Lark in the Morning: Musical instruments from around the world.
Rumillajta: Good quality Andean wind & string instruments for sale.
Sunreed: Unique handmade musical instruments from around the world. 
Turkish Musical Instruments: Yurdan.com sells them direct from Turkey.
The Tuva Trader: Tuva music & musical instrument from northern Mongolia. Great nose flutes!
Aboriginal Art & Culture Centre: Has online didgeridoo lessons and sells didges. Learn from the source.
Didgeridoo University: Online didge lessons!
Piano Nanny: Will walk beginners and seasoned players alike through lessons designed to improve keyboard and music-reading skills.There are more than a dozen 35-minute lessons for each level: starter, intermediate, or advanced.
The Quena: Lessons on how to play the traditional Andean flute.
Soundtracknet: Comprehensive site listing & reviewing film soundtracks.